Wide games |
Sandra's guide pages |
Find the leader This game needs almost no preparation but quite a large number of adults. May be good for the end of an activity day or camp, when you can rope parents in to help. Preparation: First you need to make up a list of names which link with your theme. You need one at least one name for each patrol or six who will be playing. If you're doing a jubilee event these might be members of the royal family, if your theme is food they might be different varieties of vegetables... you get the idea. Take a card or label and write the first name on it; under the name write "now find <the second name>". Your second card has the second name and "find the third name" written on it and so on. The last card will have "find the first name", so they form a complete "loop". To play: Give each of the adults one of the cards. They don't show it to anyone. Once they've had time to scatter, give each patrol or six a different name to find. If you're on members of the royal family, one group might need to find "Prince Charles". They find an adult and ask "Are you Prince Charles" - if the adult is who they're looking for, they give the patrol the next name to find. If not, the adult doesn't admit to who they are, just says "No I'm not" and the girls must keep trying to find the appropriate person. Once the patrol has found all of the people in turn they have finished - the game is to see who can find all their "names" in the right order faster than any other group. |
Post Office Preparation: Find a large stack of small pieces of paper, or cut up larger sheets. You'll also need a box of some sort and a different coloured pen for each patrol. Oh, and 3 adults. To play: The task of the guides is to buy, stamp and post as many letters as possible. One of the adults is the newsagent - she has the pieces of paper (letters). The second adult is the post office and has the stamps (pens) and the 3rd adult is the postbox, and she has an empty box. The adults scatter, ideally through some woods. In patrols the guides must find the newsagent who will give them one letter. Then they need to find the post office to "buy a stamp" (get a mark on their letter with their coloured pen) and then the postbox to "post" their letter. Then they try to find the newsagent again to get another letter. They should only have one letter at a time. Blow a whistle at the end of the set time for everyone to return to base, then count the letters in postbox. Only count properly stamped letters which made it to the box. The patrol with the most posted letters win. Extra twist: the adults can meet up during the game and swap jobs! |
Find the stolen crown jewels / world cup! A full blown wide game |
TOKENS A very simple game to be played in the dark (or as dark as possible). Guides divide into teams of even sizes and find themselves a 'home' eg. behind a tent. One leader sits under the flag pole with a box of tokens Other leaders (number depending on number of Guides) act as lookouts and patrol the area with torches. Guides have to get up to the flag pole without being seen (or seen to move if it isn't very dark) and are then given a token which they have to take back to their home. If the Guides are seen (or moving) they have to return to their home and start again. If they have a token on them they hand it to the lookout. When you've had enough (or the hot drinks are ready!!) stop and ask teams to count the number of tokens they have. RULES Only carry one token at a time. Teams cannot take tokens from each other. All the Guides can be going up at the same time. HINTS Watch out for cheating Guides who stand behind you with both hands out! Watch out that the flagpole doesn't land on your head!! Lookouts can be 'flexible' and how strict they are will depend on the experience of the Guides. You will usually see them all moving but perhaps only catch those who are particularly obvious. Go and have a break to check on the state of the kettle etc to give them a chance. They like to collect 100's of tokens. |
Pay the ransom The game I play after dark is either having hidden "gold coin" although it usually turns out to be gold-covered toffees, and they need to be found by the goodies, to ransom the fair lady, while the baddies (Guiders) flash their torches if they hear anyone. The goodie then has to go back to some starting point to get a fresh horse, or whatever. The scenario is either Robin Hood ramsoming Maid Marian who has been captured by the Sheriff of Nottingham, or James Bond and one of his many girls, or Pocahontas and whatever ... It's amazing how Guides can sniff out chocolate. If it gets late, and you want it to finish quickly, you just go deaf! To make it easier for Brownies, I just tell them that there's chocolate hidden, and they go looking for it round the field. |