Guiding and Girl Scouting
Around the World
Sandra's guide pages

According to , there are nearly 3.7 million Girl Scouts - 2.8 million girl members and 942,000 adult members.

According to the
CIA World Factbook the USA population is 278,058,881 (July 2001 est.) of which 51% are female, which means something like...

2.6% of the USA's female population are members of girl scouting.


According to GirguidingUK has nearly 700,000 members.

According to the
CIA World Factbook the UK population is 59,647,790 (July 2001 est.) of which 51% are female, which means something like...

2.3% of the UK's female population are members of girlguiding.


According to there are "over 10 million" guides and girl scouts (in 140 countries) worldwide.

According to the
CIA World Factbook the world population is 6,157,400,560 of which about 50% are female, which means something like...

0.3% of the world's female population are members of guiding or girl scouting.,