Brunei Darussalam
    The full name of Brunei is the Kingdom of Brunei, Abode of Peace, or Negara Brunei Darussalam. Brunei is a country of approximately 330 700 on the Northern coast of Borneo in eastern Asia.  The official language of Brunei is Malay but various dilects of Chinese and English are also spoken.  This country of 5765 km2 has an equatiorial climate and average temperatures of 23-32 degrees C with 2500-7500 mm of precipitation annually.   Bruneians enjoy a long life expectancy of 72.1 years for males and 76.5 years for females.  The culture in this area has distict associations with the official religion, Islam with the Sultan His Majesty Yang Di-Pertuan as the head.  Exports of Crude Oil and Natural Gas make up approximately 1/2 half of this country's GDP of 5.9 Billion USD (17 600 per capita).  Electricity is produced using 100% fossil fuels.  Brunei has 13 radio broadcast stations and 2 TV stations.  The death penalty is used extensively, and is automatic for such crimes as drug trafficking and importing banned substances illegally.
Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque This mosque was buitl in 1958 and named after the 28th sultan of Brunei.  Infront of the mosque, a replica of a 16th century barge is located in the Brunei River. 
Nearly half of this beautiful country is covered in dense rainforests, home to many exotic species.  Most of this land is protected, and logging exists here to meet local needs only.  The rainforests are home to lions, tigers, monkeys, reptiles,and birds. 
The front and back of Brunei currecy, the Brunei Dollar. To the right, a map. 
Girl Guides in Brunei
   The Girls Guides Association of Brunei was established in 1951 as a branch of the UK Guiding Association until Brunei gained it's independence in 1984.  It became a full member of WAGGGS in 1996 and in 2001 had 1600 members as Brownies, Guides, Young Leaders, and Adult Leaders.  Guides have fun celebrating Guides Day (Hari Randu Puteri) each October which conincides with the birthday of Her Majesty Duli Raja Isteri, the Royal Patron of the Guides' association.  This is a day where Guides from all over the country get a chance to meet their patron, and with each other.  These girls are also actively involved in sport tournaments especially badminton, bowling, and netball.  Bruneian Guides are actively involved with community development through government departments and women's groups.  In 1997, 50 Girl Guides and their leaders participated in a tree planting project at Berakas Reserved Forest.  During September 2000, Young Leaders collected used clothing which they washed, mended, ironed and distributed to villagers in need.  The Brunei Girl Guides association has developed into one of Brunei's most progressive youth organizations. 
      At the top left, there is an example of the Brunei Brownie uniforms.  Non-Muslim and younger girls can wear the uniform to the right, while older muslim girls must keep their bodies more covered.  Beneath you see a Guide uniform. 
Click here to see the Brunei Guide and Brownie promise and laws.