Liz made a big impression on me. She's a lovely,
intelligent woman, and made us feel like we were just gabbing with one
of the girls. She had some snappy remarks that would have made Amanda
proud. :^) I loved listening to her. Most memorable, of course,
was Big John getting to go up on stage with her -- we were all yelling
and crying, we were so happy for him, especially when she hugged and kissed
him. Gemma MacWench made her an honorary Wench during the first Q&A,
and she seemed really intrigued by it, including asking for a badge (she
was trying to put it on too but had problems with the catch on it).
She asked, "Are you a good Wench or a bad Wench?" -- in exactly the same
tone as Webmistress MacWench had done the night before. Just goes
to prove she thinks like us. :^)
Rather than shorting us on time when we ran out of questions on Sunday -- especially since it was the last Q&A of the day (aside from Gillian Horvath's outtakes etc.) -- Liz asked us to entertain her. Our very own Jewels (friend of the Wenches) obliged, and sang a beautiful song that brought tears to Liz's eyes. We're so proud of you, Jewels!