The Guinea Pig Page
All of the current colony
This is Scribble. She is the second guinea pig I ever owned. (Gizmo, my first piggy, can be found on the page of departed pets) Scribble is a lilac and white teddy who enjoys spending her days picking on younger guinea pigs, but we still love her.
The 4 pigs from a local shelter
This is Aurora, daughter of Tonka. It is hard to tell with the picture, but that spot over her eye is brown, and it is the only colored marking on her entire body. She is an abbysinian and pretty skittish, although not nearly as bad as her brother. She enjoys spending her days munching on hay and taking care of her baby, Alexus.

Aurora passed away January 23rd, 2003.
Pollux, the total fraidy-cat of the bunch. This poor little guy is so afraid of people that I have never been able to win him over. But, we get along as best we can and have an understanding: I don't try to hold him and he won't bash himself into the sides of his cage to avoid being caught.
This is Tonka. She is one of four pigs that came from a local shelter. She has two offspring, Aurora and Pollux. Tonka is a black and white peruvian cross and a total couch potato. She is also one of the most interesting looking guinea pigs I have ever seen.
Oh and what could I possibly say about my little miss Rhapsody? This poor piggy was probably tormented by some unsupervised child that squeezed her until she was forced to bite just to save herself. Too bad I have never squeezed her and she seems to find it sporting to try and chew my arm off. Her first nickname was "Brat" and it fit her well. However, she has finally gotten to the point that she enjoys my attention.
And then the rest that followed
Kimba, the white lion. She is actually a red-eyed white, but her ears are dark, so she may have been a failed attempt at a himalayin. This is one big pig and, just like Tonka, she loves being a couch pig. I adopted her from the Pet Expo here in Sacramento. My good friend was adopting Kimba's cage mate. I looked at my friend and exclaimed "Well, are you just going to leave that other one here all by itself?"  And her reply: "Nope, you are going to take that one!" So I have my sweet Kimba.
This is Alexus. The is the product of stupid people working at the local shelter. Her mother is Aurora and her father is Pollux. You see, the shelter people left the two siblings together after they were both 3 weeks of age and the result was this little cutie, born right here in Chez Kelly. Because of the tight quarters in her mother's womb, Alexus was born with tendons so tight that no amount of massage or splinting could straighten her legs out. So she walks on her ankles, but she doesn't mind.
This is Einstein, so named for the way in which the hair of his white blaze waves crazily in the air. Einstein is a texel and his hair is actually twice as long now as it was in this picture. He was acquired in a moment of weakness while I was in PetSmart shopping for Carefresh for the other guinea pigs. And, of course, Einstein came complete with mites from the pet store. I absolutely love playing with Einstein's hair.
Lujayn, teddy on left, and Lucy, abby on right, were transported from Florida to their new home with me in California. They were taken from a home where no one cleaned up after them and the live guinea pigs were crawling over dead ones in inadequate cages. There were over 300 guinea pigs in that particular rescue and I opted to take in these two before I recieved the four from the pound. But both are complete loves even with their horrible past. Lucy is even blind in one eye.
This is Kiwi. She was a gift to me after dear sweet Castor passed on due to an incurable bout of pneumonia. Kiwi is now living peacefully with Lucy and Lujayn. She was named Kiwi after much deliberation. We finally decided upon that name because she would pirch on your finger like a little bird...and she was fuzzy like the fruit.
These are 8 of the 9 guinea pig girls playing in a large kiddy pool. The only one missing here is Kiwi because at the time this picture was taken, she was far too small to be mingling with all the bigguns. Whenever one guinea pig would skitter into another, they were like chattering bumper cars. It was kind of funny, but now they have separate play times with their permanent cage mates.
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