The Gamer...
Currently, I don't have a lot of time for gaming, but I do enjoy a good game, as you can see.

On this page i'm just going to make a list of the Characters that I play in those games and other things like that... this is mostly going to be a storage page for the games that i'm currently playing in... FYI
Alter Egos...
LARP- Veronica Jones LARP- Mellissa Rode
LARP- Niamh
Adventures Inn/Dreams Haven- The Fairy Niam
Bianca "Boo" Revels
On-Line Game Stuff as well...
PC and other gamer related things
Make Your Own Super Hero
CAST Nework Home Page
Clan Burning Blade
Dragon Court
D20 System/D&D Over Veiw
Here are some of the games that I play...