The Amazing Niamh!!
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a cat stand on your head, while you were trying to play poker with your friends the animals?  Not exactly what you want to be telling people when your trying to have a upstanding conversation about the usfullness of the chair legs that your sitting on... but i'm getting ahead of myself...

My name is Niamh.

I have been several things in my day, most of which people don't like but this is me and not them so we'll forgive them just this once.

I am a child of Malkav.  I am what some would call an elder.  I am also what some people would call, silly, or annoying, or a kook, but let me tell you, there is much knowledge here in my head that is waiting to be cracked open, much the way Cain said before leaving us for this strech "Malkav, you are to be insane, as you know too much..."  but that is neither here nor there...

As for those people who do not belive that i exist... well...

I'll let you deside that on your own.

Be warned.  I have held many a title in my day, sherif, justicar, seneshal, scurge, prince's play toy, herald, and the Red List Eater of San Francisco... I am not someone to trifle with, and I am certainly someone who would make a good friend...

Thank you for your time and remember the golden rule...

Graphics on this page done by Full Moon Graphics
Click above to become an OFFICAL child of Niamh