There are many different sides to the Gun-gun.  She is a gamer, a punk, a music facntic, a singer, an actress, and sooo many other things... 

click the links to learn more about each thing...
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Name: Gun-Gun

Nicknames: Meg, Gun, Guns, Gunnie, Petalwing, Petal, Fairy and I'm sure, many others...

DOB: 9/79

Astrology: Virgo

Element: Earth & Air

Animals: Timber Wolf, Black Jaguar

Stones: Quartz, jade, Anathist

Spiritual Path: Pagan: Engery's and Wild Magik, Celtic, Geek and Roman, Egyption, Merlin, Toaism

Siblings and Their Ages: Joe- 16

White Wolf Character types: Malkie, Toreador, Brujah

D&D Character Type: Chaotic Neutral/Lawful Neutral - Elf/Halfling/Fairy - Fighter/Cleric/Ranger

Future Plans: Have a job that allows me to do the things I love, be happy, and to always be a little kid and to have fun!

Best Friends: you know who you are

Pets and Their Names: Twitch- striped house cat

Job: DSL Tech

Hobbies: Gaming, Dancing, Goofing off, Smoking

Things you collect: Fairy Tale books (Irish, Scottish, Celtic mostly)

Words Or Phrases You Overuse: duh, doh, ::giggle::, you don't say

Dream Car: 1985, Black Fire Bird, V6, T-Top, raised back, 6 speed stick

Most Influential Person: My Grandma, and My Mother

Fave Music: Punk, Techno, Industrial, Metal, Hard Rock, Indie, Indie Pop

Fave Movies: Heathers, Halloween (the whole series), Dazed and Confused

Fave Animal: Jaguar

Fave T.V. Show: SIMPSONS!!

Fave Holiday: Beltine, aka May Day (May 1st)

Biggest Fear: I have no fear.
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The News From Gun-Gun
Or... you could just take the tour...