Gundam Wing Operation 4
A long time ago on GWML I asked, what CD was worth getting. Someone told me to get Operation 4 because it's ALL songs. So for all you that are addicted to Character Songs, Operation 4 is the one to get, just remeber it's all about effort NOT size.
Heero is as always *wonderful* "Cry for a Dream" is his best character song and with a fast beat, great chorus and his nasal whine put at his peak. ^^;;;
Relena is a treat, her first character song was a slow ballad. Her second character song is a semi-slow ballad. I feel this one is BLAND. Nothing really wrong with it, but at the same time, nothing is really GOOD with it. Sorry Relena.
After getting use to Duo Maxwell, this song comes as no suprise. A fast, hard rocking song with a chorus that is well. GOOD. Who else can not sing along when the "Wild Wing Boys!" chorus starts. The Raw sex appeal is still there altho' it's not as strong. A good song. Duo is on the right track with these type of tunes.
Zech's VA is the famous, famous, famous, FAMOUS Koyatsu Takehito. Playing *beautiful* men, be it from Fushigi Yuugi's Hotohori or Utena's pimp, Touga. Koyatsu Takehito can send ANY woman (myself included) swooning. I honestly can not put enough stress as to how sexy this man sounds. Koyatsu Takehito is a gem and his talent not only stops at singing. He also writes, produces and has made his own anime! Altho' I feel White Cross is *trash* the man tried his hand at anime and well, it's got a strong fanbase, but Iam no where near it. ^^;;
My room mate just took the radio, so I lost my track of thought.
I say all this because I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea about him. Zechs' song is *awlful* It's beyond bad. It's dry, dull and not moving. It's way to long for it's own good and it seems like it's a broken record on repeat. I honestly feel he did a million times better as Hotohori. ^_^ *hotohori-sama* So check out a Fushigi Yuugi cd, or better yet, if you haven't seen the show, check out Fushigi Yuugi it's one of better shoujo shows out there. (But stay away from the OAV's. That's just trash.)
Damn the radio is still gone. Guest I just have to recall from memory.
Trowa got browie points for passing up another slow song and going for a fast rockin' and rolling ride with this song. I love this song. It's about just as catchy as Britney Spears, "Baby one more time".... Don't know if that's a good thing, but this song is GOOD. real good. thumbs up to you tro!
Treize is given a chance to the spotlight. Besides being to damn sexy for his own good. This song falls flat. It's basically a speech with music in the background. Not to good in my book.
Hm... Quatre got a slow song. It's a nice heartfilled ballad. A image of him singing to Trowa comes to the mind.
Wufei is a bit silly with the "FLASHBACK!" parts of his song. Silly, and he's pushing his luck as best singer.
A full verison of Two-Mix's Rhythm Emotion, very good. very catchy. very techo. and very two-mix.
Heero has an additional song, but Iam lacking a radio right now, and the song is failing to come to my mind (not a good thing) so I will pretty much not write anything on it.
Overall. It's all songs. Which is good, but why does it seem so bad?