XM-X3 (F97) Crossbone Gundam X-3
Manga version
Gundam Millennium fanart
XM-X3 (F97) Crossbone Gundam X-3
Unit type: prototype general purpose mobile suit
Manufacturer: ?
Operator(s): Crossbone Vanguard
Rollout: UC ?
First deployed: UC ?
Production run: 1 unit

Head height: ? meters
Base weight: ? metric tons
Full weight: ? metric tons

Power generator output: ? kilowatts
Rocket thrusters: ? kilograms total
Vernier thrusters/apogee motors: ?
Maximum thruster acceleration: ? Gees

Core block system: ? Core Fighter

Equipment and features:
anti-beam coating mantle (optional)
atomic shell

Basic armament:
60mm vulcan gun x 2
mega machine cannon x 2
mega machine gun x 2
heat dagger x 2
beam saber x 2
scissor anchor x 2

Hand-carried armament:
murasama blaster
long beam rifle
Core Fighter
mounts on back
Scissors Anchor
mounted as front skirt armor
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Note: XM-X3 Crossbone Gundam colored fanart created by Gundam Millennium, used without permission.