Three new series of Irwin Dragon Ball Z 5-inch action figures are scheduled to be released over the next 3 months. Series #6 S.S.Trunks in Saiyan Armour S.S. Goku in Saiyan Armour Android 16 Android 19 Perfect Cell W/Cell Jr. Series #7 Spopovich Krillin W/Hair S.S. Gohan (teen) Great Saiyaman Dabura Series #8 Majin Buu Vidal W/Long Hair S.S. Goku W/Leather jacket S.S. Majin Vegeta Jr. S.S. Trunks & Jr. S.S.Goten |
Welcome to JPA GUNDAM DOGZ Click The Picture To Enter |
Welcome to the anime news section this is were we give you the latest news on anime. Are reporters is Bucky. Bucky hsas bin workin his buns off and ound this: |
Bucky has bin lookin into this bout thre doesnt seem to be anymore Gundam Series. After Gundam Wing Their is just movies including :G-Saviour ,and turn-a-gundam. Bucky will be falowing this and seein what he can do! |
A new picture has bin realestt of the VERY last episode in digimon.Its about 25 yrs from the very first digimon (season 1) Click Here For A larger Pic |