Welcome to Ivan's hompage. I hope you will enjoy this page

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HI. HI. As you may know, my name is Ivan. Welcome to my yahoo homepage. Some of the links above are my xanga homepages. If you want to check them out. They are usually updated very often. This hompage however, will not be updated as much. So feel free to browse around my homepage. Currently there are no links to pictures, list of friends etc... but I will put them up as soon as i can. Thanks for visiting. If you are a xanga member, don't forget to propz my xanga pages. Thanks!!!!!
3/9/04Omg. I'm writing in this b/c albert wants me to. Just joking. I just wanna updated for a little fun. There isn't much on this page so it's boring to be here. Sorry. But if u like me to update, I put my updates here: journal Have a nice day peace!!
Wow summerbridge was sooo boring...We had to look at some stupid pictures and discuss about them. Damn it was boring. The only good part of that was that we had pizza. Then Ben and I got lost. We went the wrong way. Finally we got to the train station. There I got on a 5. At Bleecker, there were no F. So I had to go to Brooklyn bridge. Aww then when I got home, I had to leave again to go to the library!!Well now I have to update stuff. Arrgggg.
