Gungnir's Trains
Welcome to my personal model railroad site!

I like to build or convert stuff for my LGB-based G gauge train, to give it the atmosphere of the local Dutch railways and tramlines of days gone by.

For me, the overall look and feel is more important than the historical accuracy of the models.
A serious problem is that right now I don't have enough space for a layout, so I concentrate on buying odds and ends and building more for when I do find or create a space.

Let me show you some of the things I built, and tell some of the story behind it. Several of these I presented at shows in the Netherlands a few years ago. There are also some current projects, check back once in a while for progress.

If you have any questions or remarks,
drop me a line!

Backer tramway engine

HIJSM Caboose

Animal Series Engine

Elephant car

Lorry Caboose

Passenger Carriages

Container System

Scratchbuilt Buffers



Most of my stuff is still under construction, please check again at a later time for progress, other items, and more and (hopefully) better pictures!