-October 11 2004-

      Well its not been so long, and still no shows in sight, but we finally got to writing some songs again. We have four new ditties on the way, each of which will get some serious work before we play em live, but at least there's new material. All of us want to record, so that'll hopefully happen over the next coupla months. In the meantime, I've been messing around with webshots, and posted some pics. Check em out if youre bored. Til next chance posting.... peace and hairgrease

-September 23 2004-

      Yeah yeah yeah. So I'm worthless at this website thing. Sorry.

Regardless, the Roadshow in August was pretty freaking rockin - despite more technical problems than we could shake a stick at - all the other bands simply killed it (especially GOJIRA-X, one of the funniest damn bands and some of the coolest cats I've met in a good long while, so check 'em out if you're in Richmond). Back on point, we'd like to send a hearty thank you to everyone who showed up and supported us, and to anyone who actually reads this: Gunmetal Blue is still alive and kickin. I guess that's a good thing.

Well if you keep checkin the site, I'll keep feeding you updates, and who knows, maybe someday I'll have something worthwhile to say. Til then, keep your fists raised and your pint glasses full....

ps. A really cool Richmond girl named Julie D put up some great pics of our Madcap show. Check 'em out on page 4 of her site

-July 23 2004-

      Alright, so there's been another huge break in communication. Sorry. But, the reason for the break this time is actually legitimate: Joe and Becca's baby (Audrey) needs a lot more maintenance than any of us punk rockers anticipated. She's doing great though, and that means we have another show to play. That's right, the second annual Stars'N'Bars Rockin' Roadshow on Saturday August 14 at East Coast Billiards in the Hoodbridge, so check out the cars and bikes before four, and then all the sick bands after five (including our boys TOP DEAD CENTER).

See ya in the pit... and as always, fridaynightfights@hotmail.com for info....

ps. keep this a secret, but this may be our last show, so don't freakin' miss it

-March 14 2004-

      WOW!!! Thanks for coming out to support us last night (you know who you are). The show was great (even though we got the boot before our last song. grrrrrrr.....) As expected, Madcap blew the freaking roof off the joint, and we were very grateful to be given a chance to play with such a great band. We'll be working on setting up gigs for April and May, and will have some serious improvements to this site soon, but til then keep your eyes peeled and keep supporting local music.....paul...

oh yeah, the fridaynightfights@hotmail.com address is up again, sorry for the confusion...

-February 23 2004-

      Alright, so once again it's been a long freakin time and once again the site still sucks. But there is some good news! Aaron is better, and we have a show to play!!!! So get yer asses off of the couch and come out to see us open up for MAD CAP and BAYSIDE from Victory Records, and also MOMENTS IN GRACE and STARS HIDE FIRE!!!! This should be such a kickin show, and its ALL AGES, so you have no excuse. Doors open at 7 on Saturday March 13 at the Chantilly Event Center (4600 Brookfield Corporate Dr).

Email fridaynightfights@hotmail.com with any questions..... see ya in the pit...

-October 24 2003-

      Holy Crap!!! It's been a long time, and the site still sucks. Don't worry, we're still alive. The summer was crazy, and not in a productive way; let me fill you all in: Joe married Rebecca, Paul moved to the beach, Aaron got really ill, Tom moved to DC and began law school, Joe and Rebecca got pregnant, Aaron underwent serious surgery, Paul moved back, and that wraps it up. Gunmetal Blue still exists, we're gonna have the website updated soon, and we're recording right now. Nothing special, just a demo. Aaron still has a long haul to complete recovery, so keep him in your thoughts and prayers. And til we see ya in the pit, have fun!!!!

O, and support local music, but you already do that, don't you...

-May 14 2003-

      What's up kids!!!!!! Finally have something resembling a web page up. Basically, right now we're working on a show with THE TURBO ACS and THE HIGH SCHOOL HELLCATS on Thursday June 12 at The UTurn in NW. Then we'll play in Manassas at Sharpshooters with our friends in THE ISSUE on Friday June 20. Check back here for more info on both dates.

Also, Joe is gettin hitched in a week, so we'll all be busy drinking ourselves into oblivion for the next few days. See ya after then!!!!