
Added link to Gunteristcs, a Livejournal community for Mr.Gunter. ^_^ This site needs more material. *subliminal message to people reading this* SEND STUFF! SEND STUFF! song reviews, concert reviews, pictures, banana cream pies...<.<;; As a matter of fact, Mr.G is going to be holding a concert on Friday 23 of April at Canaltown...*hint hint wink wink nudge nudge* If I have time to go I'll write a review ^_^


Wheee! We are set to go...Send submissions to guntermusic01@yahoo.com ^_^


YES!! *is elated* *jumps around in a cacophony of celebratory noises* After two and a half hours of effort, I have finally succeeded in creating this pop up window!! *beats html over the head* *cough* anyways...New layout!! Not that anyone ever comes to this moldy site anyways <.<;

As soon as I set up an email account, I will begin accepting reviews of Mr.Gunter's songs, or any other stuff you want to submit. Somebody's written a couple of reviews already and as soon as I get them, I'll post them up.

~ Have a wonderful day ^_^