Manoj Kumar Tiwari
Associate Professor, Department of
Industrial Engineering and Management, Indian Institute of Technology, Tel: +91-3222-283746 Fax: +91-3222-255303 Email: mkt09@hotmail.com, mkt009@gmail.com, mktiwari@iitkgp.ernet.in |
1999-2004 PhD -“Application of intelligent
search heuristic to resolve the complexities of machine loading problems of
FMS” Department of Production Engineering, 1988-1990 M. Tech.
(Production Engg.) [First Division] Motilal Nehru Regional
Engineering College (now known as MNIT), Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India 1982-1986 B. E. in
Mechanical Engineering (First Division) Research
Loading & Scheduling Problems, Part-Machine Grouping, Computer Aided
Process Planning, Integration of Process Planning and Scheduling, Petri Net
Modeling and its Applications, Tool Management Issues in FMS, Part and
Machine Grouping using Neural Network, Genetic Algorithms, Simulated
Annealing Algorithms, Assembly/Disassembly Supply Chain Management, Agent
Technology and its Applications, Application of Artificial Intelligence in
Manufacturing Systems, Integration of Virtual Enterprise, etc. Teaching
Industrial Engineering,
Intelligent Manufacturing, Manufacturing Science, Production Technology, Flexible
Manufacturing System, Operations Research, Operations Management, Computer
Aided Manufacturing, etc. Professional
Contribution as
a Supervisor
· Supervised 1 Doctoral Student and presently supervising 5 Doctoral Students. · Supervised 10 Master’s thesis · Supervised over 70 Bachelor’s project work
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