Dogleap, Roe River, 2001
Hesty in Holland, 2005
I don't normally wear these clothes...
One of my old EF classes in Bandung
Is it a group of shaved apes... or is it Year 7 on an outbound trip?
It's OK!
One of my first EF classes in Bandung...
Welcome to my site!
This is my space for sharing photos, news and a bit of shameless self-promotion!

Take a look around and feel free to contact me if you need to.

My newer, simpler site only has four links:

ABOUT ME - a 30-second getting-to-know-you page

FLICKR site - for all my photos, updated regularly.

BLOGSPOT - I'm trying to get my students into blogging to get their CAS reflections done - so maybe it's time I had a go!

MY CV and REFERENCES - great if you're an employer
We got married! Come on this way and see the pictures...
To see what I've been up to at Tunas Muda recently, please visit my new CAS (Creativity, Action, Service) website:

Tunas Muda CAS