Car Carcasses

by Sachin Gupta

It is the year three thousand twelve. We are all dead. A spaceship carrying scientists from an alien civilization lands on our planet. With one notable exception, they find no trace of our existence. They find no bodies, no buildings, no books, no computers and no animals. But they do find something strange. They find the carcasses of our cars. Lots of them. Of different shapes, sizes and color. Some in groups. Some isolated. Some so broken, that they have to carefully piece them together from old withering fragments. They discover how cars were born en masse in large wombs. They discover what they ate and how they ate it. They discover how they ran around on roads. They find smaller cars in places with smaller roads and bigger cars in places with larger roads. They see how older cars buried in deeper layers are less powerful, less robust and less efficient than the newer ones they discover higher in the Earth's soil.

After several alien-years (but only one Earth-day) of research, they came to an astonishing conclusion about the existence of this car-species. All alien scientists unanimously agree that this car-species had formed in exactly the same way that their own species had formed on their own planet: Evolution
