Caring for Your Family
  As our population ages, caring for the family can place demands on our time from every directions.  Our jobs, home duties, children and spouses need our attention as well as our aging parents.
     When dealing with our children, the role is clear.  Caring for parents or other loved ones is an entirely different matter.  Usually, there are medical, emotional, physical and financial demands.  But also, for you, there may be the difficult transition to caregiver.
     This site offers links to medical information as well as support groups that may assist you in caring for yourself or a loved one. Sometimes, just knowing that someone else is in the same situation as you, can be a help in itself.  I hope that you find this service useful.  Best wishes to you and yours.
U. S Department of Health & Human Services & other Federal Departments
Selected National Eye Health - Related Organizations
Find Consumer Health Info Fast
American Medical Association
U. S. Department of Health & Human Services
National Institute of Health
American Cancer Society
American Diabetes Association
American Heart Association
National Stroke Association
American Stroke Association
National Parkinson foundation, Inc.
The Parkinson's Institute
American Osteopathic Association
Herbal Healer Academy, Inc.
Friends Health Connection
National Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Information Clearinghouse
National Institute on Aging
The World Book RUSH Medical Encyclopedia
PDR Guide to Medical Care (Alphabetic Index) - Prescription Drugs
American Lung Association
American College of Rheumatology
American Parkinson Disease Association
Arthritis Foundation
The Arthritis Trust
American Council for the Blind
Internet Resources for Special Children
American Foundation for the Blind
IRSC Disability Links
Empowering Caregivers
American Speech - Language - Hearing Association
Care for Caregivers
National Family Caregivers Association
Anxiety Disorders
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
American Association of Retired Persons  - AARP
Medicare - The Official U.S. Government Site of Medicare Information
AARP - Pharmacy Services
Nursing Home & Assisted Living Information
Nursing Home Comparisons/U. S. Official Site of Medicare Information
Assisted Living Federation of America  The Place to Learn About Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Drug Assistance Programs
Advocate's Guide to Pharmaceutical Programs for the Indigent