Mayhem Results 5/11/04, live, from the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas

~"One of a Kind" by Breaking Point plays as we open up to a sold-out Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas!~

~Thanks to God David for just about this entire show~

***GWA European Title Match*** **Ryou Bakari Itemri vs. Bull Kelly(C)**

BW: Our opening match will be for the European Title, as the champion...

King: *interrupting* Death?

BW: NO! Bull Kelly!

King: Oh...

BW: Jeez... Ryou Bakari Itemri will meet the new GWA European Champion, Bull Kelly!

King: Bull Kelly is on a comeback, but Ryou Bakari Itemri is really on a roll...

BW: It'll definitely be a match for the ages.

(The lights fade off and the crowd makes noise wondering what is going on. Then, a loud explosion is heard at the entranceway as "Bring Me To Life" hits the speakers as loud as they will allow. After the song gets fully in swing, the lights start to flicker different colors around the entranceway then all over the building, the lights come on. Ryou Bakari Itemri comes from the entrance to a shower of cheers. He gets up to the ring and Ryou Bakari Itemri jumps on the apron and jumps over the ropes and in the middle of the ring. He goes over to a turnbuckle and throws his arms up to more cheers.)

("Sweet Home Alabama" by Lynyrd Skynyrd hits the speakers as an irate Bull Kelly storms through the entranceway. "The European Champ" walks to the ring, determined to hurt someone. Bull Kelly dives in the ring as the match starts. Ryou Bakari Itemri and Bull Kelly have already started to brawl.)

BW: "The Champ" is pissed!

(Bull Kelly backs Ryou Bakari Itemri into the corner, nailing him with stiff rights. Bull Kelly stops a second to take a breath as Ryou Bakari Itemri quickly kicks him in the gut. Ryou Bakari Itemri shoves Bull Kelly back a few feet and nails a savate kick to the jaw of Bull Kelly!)

(Ryou Bakari Itemri does a standing moonsault flip onto Bull Kelly, as the ref comes in for the cover.)


King: Ryou Bakari Itemri is just trying to wear out Bull Kelly now.

(Ryou Bakari Itemri quickly gets to his feet as does Bull Kelly. Ryou Bakari Itemri tries for another kick, but Bull Kelly ducks under. Bull Kelly clobbers Ryou Bakari Itemri with a clothesline. Bull Kelly takes no time to drag Ryou Bakari Itemri back to his feet. Bull Kelly quickly applies a standing head scissors and hits a snap powerbomb! Ryou Bakari Itemri writhes in pain, stretching like a bow and arrow from the impact.)

BW: Ryou Bakari Itemri is one of the lightest competitors in the ranks of the GWA, making him prime target for power moves like that.

King: I bet everybody likes to wrestle him!

BW: Yeah, at first. Then they realize he's also the most deadly high risk S.O.B. in the GWA!!!

King: What, you got a thing for this guy?


King: Haha... you & Ryou Bakari Itemri sittin` in a tree...

(Bull Kelly has Ryou Bakari Itemri in a tree of woe in the turnbuckle. He backs up a few feet and dives after Ryou Bakari Itemri, but Ryou Bakari Itemri uses his leg strength to pull himself up and away from the blow. Bull Kelly meets the steel post as Ryou Bakari Itemri gets out of the tree. Ryou Bakari Itemri takes Bull Kelly by the head and drags him to his feet. Ryou Bakari Itemri quickly snap mares Bull Kelly over to the mat.)

BW: Surprised he could get Bull Kelly over!

(Ryou Bakari Itemri then applies a triangle scissor lock on the head of Bull Kelly.)

King: Ryou Bakari Itemri is trying to squeeze the life out of Bull Kelly!

(Bull Kelly struggles with Ryou Bakari Itemri locked on his head, but manages to get up. Bull Kelly is standing with Ryou Bakari Itemri up on his head, but then drops down and incredibly nails a shoulder mount face first powerbomb on Ryou Bakari Itemri! The crowd goes nuts as Bull Kelly rolls over Ryou Bakari Itemri and covers.)


BW: Bull Kelly couldn't get him!

King: Now Ryou Bakari Itemri has a second chance.

(Bull Kelly, frustrated, gets Ryou to his feet and sends him into the corner. He then sets up Ryou on the top rope, and is preparing for the Stampede. However, Master Wang and The Flaming Squirrel come to the ring, and, as Master Wang distracts the referee, The Flaming Squirrel hangs Bull Kelly up on the ropes. With Kelly staggering, Ryou hits Sweet Dreams and covers.)


Brian Walker: Your winner, and NEW GWA European Champion, Ryou Bakari Itemri!

BW: The Flaming Squirrel just cost Bull Kelly the European Title a week after winning it!

King: Bull Kelly isn't gonna be too happy when he gets his hands on that d@mn Flaming Squirrel! 2-BK Vs Wildman White

("Mick Foley's Theme" slowly builds as the lights dim to near dark. As the music continues towards the chorus, you see BK finally enter the arena from backstage. Silver laser lights race around the entrance area and finally center on BK, who is very solemn and waits with his head down. The chorus begins while you hear explosions and see the laser lights begin to flicker and fly around all over. BK raises his head and raises his arms to the crowd as he finally approaches and enters the ring.)

BW: BK is looking determined tonight.

(The lights go out, and "Sweet Home Alabama" by Lynyrd Skynyrd hits the speakers as Wildman White, comes down and enters the ring. He then stands in the corner and spits into the crowd. The crowd boos him as he proceeds to get ready for the match.)

King: Wildman White and BK are already going at it!

(Wildman White has the early advantage and pounds away on the back of BK. Wildman White whips BK across the ring. BK returns and ducks under a clothesline. Once again BK is back and both go for a cross body block. They collide in mid-air with force that sends them both in opposite directions.)

BW: Ouch!

(Both men are lying on the mat, clutching their ribs. Wildman White is the first one to get up but BK isn't far behind. Wildman White dives at BK with a clothesline but BK ducks and catches him and drives him to the mat with a Rock Bottom style slam. The crowd goes nuts as BK covers.)


King: Close one.

(BK brings Wildman White back up and sends him to the ropes. He kicks Wildman White in the gut and quickly hooks his head, dropping him with the Falling Bulldog!!! The crowd roars as BK rolls Wildman White over and makes the cover.)


BW: BK wins! He gets a big victory tonight on Mayhem!

King: He's really showing he's not just a flash in the pan, tonight.

WINNER: BK via Falling Bulldog

3-Chazz Vs Boomer

***GWA Intercontinental Title Match*** **Chazz vs. Boomer(C)**

BW: In our next match, we have Chazz facing Boomer for the Intercontinental Championship!

King: Chazz has been on fire. He defeated Mix n' Match last week and tonight he goes for the Intercontinental Title. First, he must fight Mix n' Match's tag team partner and current Intercontinental Champion Boomer!

("Boom" hits the speakers as Boomer walks out in his normal attire. He makes his way to the ring.)

("Chaz' Theme" hits the speakers as Chazz begins his walk down the aisle. Chazz marches to the ring, intent on beating the living hell out of Boomer.)

King: Former good friends will go at it for the Intercontinental Title!

(Chazz slides into the ring and the bell sounds. Boomer quickly stomps on Chazz before he can get up. Chazz is up and shoves away Boomer. They then walk to each other staring down one another.)

BW: Boomer has about a three inch height advantage here...

King: Yeah, everyone knows... Except Chazz.

(Chazz nails a right to the head of Boomer and continues with more punches. He backs Boomer into the ropes with a knee to the chest. He whips Boomer across the ring then trips him with a drop toe hold. Chazz quickly jumps to his feet and bounces off the ropes with an X-Pac like leg drop. He hooks the leg of Boomer for the cover.)


King: Boomer kicks out in the nick of time.

(Chazz brings Boomer up and takes him by the head, then rams him face first into the turnbuckle. Boomer gets an elbow in and Chazz backs off. Boomer then nails a crossover clothesline that turns Chazz inside out!)

BW: Jesus!

(Boomer quickly goes to the turnbuckle, climbing to the top. He hits a moonsault that almost crushes Chazz!)


BW: I'm surprised that Chazz could kick out!

(Boomer gets up, arguing with the ref. He insists it was a three count. The ref shoves Boomer to back off, creating an argument between the two)

(Chazz slowly comes to, as Boomer and the referee continue to argue. Chazz sees this and quickly gets up. Chazz then goes for the Chazzer, but Boomer gets down, turns Chazz around, and he hits the Boom Time.)

King: Boomer just hit the Boom Time on Chazz!

(Boomer makes the cover after the Boom Time, which the referee counts.)


BW: Boomer is the winner!

King: He is on a roll after losing two straight on GWA Spring Break!


~Johnny Dangerous then comes to the ring and attacks Boomer from behind. Boomer is down, and JD continues with some stomps on the owner of the GWA. Johnny Dangerous then goes to the outside and gets a steel chair. Boomer gets up, and attempts fighting back with some right hands, but to no avail. JD blocks, and hits the Dangerplex to Boomer, right on the steel chair!)

BW: Now what was the point of that? These two used to be friends!

King: Hey, Johnny Dangerous' logic: Everybody stands in his way, Barry. 4-Pyro Vs Death

("Bully" by Eminem blasts on the speakers too late as Pyro is already half down the aisle. He runs around the ring, to the announce table. He tackles Death, who was distracted by the fans. Pyro punches away, but is stopped by Boomer, who was still at ringside. Boomer quickly runs and throws Pyro right through the American announce table!! The sounds of microphone cables being ripped from their sockets and television monitors being bounced across the cement can be heard, along with the cries of King and BW.)

BW: Get out of here!

King: Are we dead?

BW: Shut up King!!!

(Pyro has just been put through the table by Death, with a back body drop. BW and King have scurried out of the way, managing to keep their headsets on. Although they continue, static becomes more dense making them hard to hear.)

BW: If you fans can here us, we're ok...

King: Yeah, like those morons care about us.

BW: Well, on any account, Pyro has been thrown through what once was our table by a very upset Death.

(Death is surrounded by GWA Road Agents and is persuaded to the back. Death crawls over to the American table and falls across the body of Pyro. The referee dives to make the cover.)


King: He kicked out! He kicked out!

BW: I can't believe it!

(The crowd cheers in appreciation for Death's showmanship. Death isn't so enthusiastic about not winning, managing to stand up. Pyro begins to show some life as Death grabs Pyro's hair and drags him to his feet. Death whips Pyro against the steel railing. Death dives with a clothesline and they pile over the railing.)

(Death evidently has the advantage as he slams Pyro into the wall. Death grabs the shirt of Pyro and begins to pull him towards the stairs. The two continue to punch and kick while they ever so slowly make their way up the stairway.)

King: Where are they going?

BW: Who knows?

(The cameraman trips over the stairs and loses the camera shot. A new one from back in the arena replaces it as it focuses on the upper balcony, where the two should come out.)

King: This normal singles match has gotten completely out of hand.

(Finally, Death and Pyro come into view as they burst through the door in the upper balcony. The fans go nuts, trying to get themselves on television. Pyro throws Death down the stairs. Death hits every single step and smashes into the barrier, keeping him from falling back down to ground level. The referee comes into view, keeping a close eye on the action.)

BW: These guys are getting awfully close to that barrier...

(Pyro walks down the steps, followed by the referee. Pyro comes at Death with a double ax handle but Death elbows him in the gut. Death quickly grabs the shirt of Pyro and throws him over the edge! The crowd screams but Pyro hangs on. He climbs up, hanging onto the side. He grabs Death's black shirt forcing Death to climb over the barrier.)

King: I don't have a good feeling about this.

BW: Me either... They're a good 15 feet above the ground there.

King: It looks like there is a bunch of tables below, I can't really tell from here.

(Pyro and Death begin to nail each other with elbows, trying to get the other off. After a few bouts of their little game, Pyro lands an elbow right to the jaw of Death. Death falls backwards off of the balcony's barrier and falls right through at least three stacked tables!!! The crowd begins the GWA chant as Pyro ponders his next move.)

BW: Death has fallen 15 feet!

King: He's gotta be dead!!!

BW: Please, King. This is no time for jokes.

(Pyro instantly knows what he's going to do. Without thinking twice he launches himself backwards and delivers the Pyro Death Drop right on top of Death!!! The crowd goes insane with a "HOLY $#!T" chant.)

King: OH MY GOD!!!!!

(The referee quickly runs to the nearest group of seats and begins to climb over and down the cage-like barrier. He jumps the last 5-8 feet or so, then quickly runs to make the count.)

Referee: *along with crowd* ONE........TWO.......THREE!

Brian Walker: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of this match, Pyro!

BW: What a match! Pyro wins in a match where the rules were completely thrown out!

King: Hey, and we've still got a main event! Booked by Ron Hill, it's "The Dancing Dragon" facing off against Q5, next!


~Q5 is walking around backstage, when he walks past Johnny Dangerous, who is in the background. Johnny Dangerous watches Q5 go by.~

Johnny Dangerous: Hey, Q5! (Crowd boos)

~????? turns around~

?????: What the #e!! do you want?

Johnny Dangerous: Good luck. (Crowd is mixed)

~????? looks at Johnny Dangerous strangely, and then continues walking~

~Commercial Break~

~ Back from the commercial break, The Assassin is shown backstage with his half of the tag team titles on his shoulder, and his cellphone in his hand, Pyro walks by and quickly shakes The Assassin's hand as he goes to his locker room. The Assassin is talking on his cellphone as a hand reaches and grabs The Assassin's cellphone and hangs it up. The Assassin turns towards the person who has his cellphone, only to notice, its Mix N Match. Mix has a smile on his face as he begins to speak ~

Mix N' Match: Hey Assassin!

The Assassin: What the hell does your R. Kelly rape victim ass want?

Mix: HEY! I told you... NEVER TO MENTION THAT AGAIN! You Ja Rule Loving.... uhm, PUNK!

~ Mix N' Match hands The Assassin back his cellphone and storms off as Pyro comes walking back up as he begins to speak ~

Pyro: What the hell was that all about?

The Assassin: Just recalling some memories... that he didn't want to recall.

Pyro: Oh... the R. Kelly night right?

~ The scene goes back to ringside to King and Barry Woods as King begins ~

King: What are they talking about Mix N' Match and R. Kelly for?

BW: I have no idea... I don't even think I want to know.

~ Suddenly, Ron Hill comes out to the top of the ramp as he begins to speak ~

Ron Hill: Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight, I am here to give you the most entertaining main event that only you could have imagined, two of our biggest names... ladies and gentlemen, coming up next it will be Q5 going against Hiroyuki Morimoto! Thank you.

~ Ron Hill walks off the stage as the show goes to its final commercial break ~

~ Back from the commercial, Engel by Rammstein hits as Q5 comes walking down the rampway~

Brian Walker: Ladies and Gentlemen, making his way to the ring, weighing in at a height of 6'7, and a weight of 293, Q5!!

~Q5 slides into the ring as he waits for Hiroyuki Morimoto.~

~Suddenly, Dynamite Rave hits as Hiroyuki Morimoto comes running down the isle, he slides into the ring as the bell sounds and starts exchanging lefts and rights with Q5~

King: Holy Crap, Hiroyuki Morimoto came out from the back ready to beat some a(beep)s

BW: Watch your mouth King! Hiroyuki Morimoto got the early advantage, as he has Q5 lodged into the left turnbuckle, with nowhere to go. Lefts and rights are giving Hiroyuki Morimoto the advanta.... what the hell?

King: The lights just started flickering, I cant see what the hell is going on!

BW: Me neither! Wha... The lights are back on and the scene in the ring is shocking. Hiroyuki Morimoto is out cold in a puddle in his own blood, as Q5 and Johnny Dangerous are in the ring hugging! Oh my god, this doesn't mean what I think it means, does it King?

King: I dont have a clue, we're gonna have to wait til Rage!

BW: We'll see you Friday Night!

~ Scene fades ~