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1) If you are unable to RP For a designated amout of time please be sure to notify the staff so that you are not booked for that period of time.

2) If you flat out ask to win, you will lose

3) We are firm believers in Freedom of Speech-just don't go overboard with unnecessary profanity

4) You are allowed more than one character if you want, but don't let your quality suffer.  Remember, it's better to have one superstar than a stable of jobbers!

5) Outcome of matches is based upon roleplays.  Pictures & colorful text are nice, but content is vital. But sometimes, the outcome may have nothing to do with RPs, and may have to do with storylines. So if you did do the better job of roleplaying, but you lost, that is probably the reason.

6) Please do not use members of the staff or other wrestlers in your roleplays in a negative way without their permission. If you do so you will most likely lose.

7) If you have a problem with the way your character is being handled come and talk to us. We are not unreasonable people.

8) Never complain about a loss. If you lost there is good reason for it. We book the matches as well as pick the winners this is just the way it is so live with it.

9) Remember, we are all here to have fun..No one gets paid (lol)  So let's keep in's just an e-fed. We've had people in the past that didn't keep this in mind, and they're going right to the Hall of Shame 

10) The GWA has no room for racism. You never know who's behind another computer reading an RP or OOC post, although thankfully this rule has never been violated. However, violation of THIS rule will lead to your immediate firing.

11) Made up characters are preferred... you COULD have a real wrestler as your character, but that could hurt your originality a bit in your RPs.