Mothers & More
Greater Wayne Area
Chapter # 233
Home Meeting
Activities Upcoming
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  Mothers & More is a non-profit
  organization dedicated to improving
  the lives of mothers through support,
  education and advocacy. We address
  mothers’ needs as individuals and
  members of society, and promote the
  value of all the work mothers do.

Chapter Meetings
Chapter meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at 7:30 at Our Savior Lutheran Church in Pompton Plains.

Mothers & More Activities
Our calendar is filled with many activities for the kids as well as the Moms.  From playgroups to social club to events and activities, each one is designed to encourage social skills and creativity for the children and an opportunity for the Moms to meet new people, make new friends and learn from each other.

About Us
Click on this link to learn more about the National Organization and its members from the National Website.

Top Ten Reasons to join Mothers & More:
10. Because we know motherhood is not as easy as it looks on TV
9.   Enjoy fun, thought-provoking monthly moms-only meetings
8.   Because we give mothers the opportunity to kick back and talk back
7.   Because we're the one mothers' organization where it's okay for it to be all about you
6.   Because mothers could use a playgroup for themselves
5.   Because we don't take ourselves too seriously, but we take mothers' needs and issues very seriously
4.   Build friendships that will last a lifetime
3.   Change the world by being a part of something bigger than you; an organization that is raising awareness of mothers' issues and
      promoting the value of all the work that mothers do
2.   Because we know you have a mind and we give you the space to use it—and (sometimes) lose it
1.   Because we're the real thing—real moms, real fun, real life, real opportunities to make a difference