Title: "Poetry" in Carolingia font and
fiery, gold-leaf foil colorization.
Base of word is a large, symmetrical
Fleurons dingbat in a cobalt blue,
floral scroll pattern.
Poem title: "Mermaid" in Acadian font and a pale sea or chrysoprase green.

Woman walked into the sea,
dissolved into foam;
      bones saturating the barnacled rocks,
      getting caught in the seaweed,
      washing up upon the shore.

Woman waited
and sometimes he came,
alone and naked,
like a warrior to the sands,
the sun burning his body brown.

And everytime he waded in
and floated on the waves
woman wrapped herself
about his body.

Afterwards, he would pick up a pretty shell;
      that night, as he lay in bed,
      he held it to his ear.

It reminded him, though he could not fathom why,
      of her voice.

An archaic colorized mermaid.
She combs her hair with a golden comb
and looks into a golden mirror.
Her body is a pale aqua,
long hair and large waist fins
are a pale blueberry blue,
and her tail is a deep teal.

Poem by Tracie Cleaver, copyright 1989 & 2001.

Poetry Index

Bordered background courtesy of
Kat's Graphics

Mermaid image courtesy of
Graphics by Firesilk

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Gwendolen's Sea