The Latest News

12.05.2004 Another chapter of Shadowdancer. Hopefully posting will pick up again after finals. Grad school is harder than it looks. ::is dead::

11.29.2004 Yet another fandom. ._. The X-Files, with Shadowdancer. This is a repost, and something of a revision, from the version posted at the basement. The first two chapters are up, and I'll post the rest when I've a spare moment. Enjoy!

09.01.2004 A couple of drabbles in a new fandom. Spread that focus: Forgiveness and Unfamiliar.

06.19.2004 The new sequence of Awakening: The Ocean Washing Over. Almost a year in the making. Enjoy.

06.17.2004 A new bit of fanfic to illustrate an early scene of the hollow: Comfort. For Scribblemoose on her birthday.

05.22.2004 That Lost Boys fic I mentioned, wait for the hunger to come. X-Files aside, I'll probably be working on Awakenings next. Have to write something with an audience once in a while ...

05.19.2004 The next chapter of the hollow is up, Drowning in Her. Hmm, lots of drowning lately ... Next to post should be a Lost Boys fic, and then I'll get to work on that X-Files epic I still owe ...

05.13.2004 This is sort of a sidestory that fits within the hollow but is not part of the main plotline. I did want to fit the information in somewhere, so we now have sidestory I: And We Drown. The next full chapter of the hollow should post soon, depending on the muses and graduation. ;)

04.04.2004 Ok, so it's been a while and I still don't really have anything to add. Just a new cover for Awakenings, and the news that the next part in the sequence is roughly halfway finished. Perfect Circle is being shelved indefinitely, or at least until the summer, given that the subject matter dealt with in the next chapter is difficult enough without also having to worry about school. The prologue of World Curled Dark has been posted at Scarlet Seduction, more soon to follow. Within the week, really. ^_^

02.02.2004 Added a new section, Original Fiction, for my original works. Posted Mutter first, more soon to follow.

01.25.2004 Added a few more Smaville drabbles, and took care of a few administrative issues. Nothing earth-shattering. Next up should involve the X-Files.

12.29.2003 Added an entire new fandom! Smallville, starting with a small Drabble. My shortest self-contained work ever. Surely worth reading if only for that novelty. ;)

12.25.2003 Thanks to Scribblemoose, I now have a cover for the Awakenings sequence. ^_^ A PL Nunn commission, Kitchen Kiss illustrates a scene in The Only One Who Dreams. Thanks again, scribble! ^_^

11.27.2003 New chapter of the hollow, If You Were Missing Your Heart. The next update will probably be more of the hollow, or Shadowdancer. The tricky bit of the hollow that delayed this post is now in the next chapter. How do these things happen? ::sigh::

10.27.2003 New chapter of Complete Me, Miserable, Out of Desire. A return to the style of Chapter One.

10.23.2003 New links! And a new obsession. Ahh, Tsuzuki-san. :)

09.20.2003 Updated with A Perfect Circle VII, Halo Slipping Down.

09.16.2003 Just a few revamps, fixed the banners page with practical, linkable images. Also did a cover for Shiva's Boy, a fic I haven't actually started posting yet. ;)

09.11.2003 Ok, the only person to respond voted yes, so I'll keep updating here. Though the Livjournal is still the best source of information. :) That last update was Chapter Ten of the hollow, The Memories Fire. And the new banner. And a wee little lj pic. Currently working on A Perfect Circle, as in maybe almost a chapter, pending scribble's beta. And I'm supposed to be working on an X-Files au, Shadowdancer. Which I'm going to archive here, soon. Yeah, that's about it.

08.29.2003 Updated with Chapter Nine of the hollow, Don't Want to Weep for You. Out of curiosity, should I be bothering with this page? Does anyone read this?

08.26.2003 Uploaded The Only One Who Dreams, a slashy fluff for Scribble. More to come.

08.06.2003 Just some maintenance stuff, streamlined the Gallery. The GW scans are online, I promise, I just forgot to make thumbnails, and now I am without my favored photo manip system. Alas.

07.26.2003 Separation Anxiety VII: With Blood by Guilty Angels Shed is up, as promised. I'd really appreciate your thoughts on this one, thanks. And next to post, hmm, either the hollow, Shiva's Boy, or origific, depending on how the muses bite. :)

07.06.2003 A Perfect Circle VI: Eyes of a Tragedy is up! Whew! Sorry, tired from formatting. And next to post, Separation Anxiety, and then the hollow. Ahhh, posting. :)

07.05.2003 Well, had a good 4th, celebrated with a new link and a fixed link. Yay. Well, I've been obsessively watching Fruits Basket for the past few days, nothing much else is going on. Except, A Perfect Circle might be updating in the next few days. I'm kinda happy with what I have. :) Separation Anxiety is approaching the posting stage as well. Shadowdancer . . . not for a while. I'm gonna work on the hollow next. I've doubled the amount of material I had and I still can't make a chapter out of any of it. It's the bridges, I tell you! The bridges!

06.30.2003 I'm alive! No, really. Yeah . . . Anyway, got all creative over the weekend and drew Psycho!Squall for Shiva's Boy, a new FF8 Squirvine that I haven't started posting on just yet. Finished off some DVD reviews for The Manga Obsession, those should go up later tonight. Shadowdancer . . . I lack motivation for. But I did some work on Perfect Circle, yay. :)

06.14.2003 New job is killing me. Gonna have to quit the old one. Anyway, found time to form several new Manga obsessions, so I'm opening a site for manga scans and recs. Thought it'd be a good idea to start a place where you can find out if a manga or anime is worth your time. Oooh, and did more shopping tonight. I'm now the proud owner of the complete Trigun series. ::smacks self in head:: Well, not like I needed that money . . . ::stares after money forlornly:: Oh, in other news, updated the Links page with a couple of really good sites that focus on CGI art. Shadowdancer . . . will no be out anytime soon. In my defense, I hit my head at work tonight. Really really hard. Probably shouldn't have driven home . . .

06.04.2003 It's Scribble's birthday tomorrow. Happy birthday., babe! :) Also found an old pic of Wings!Harry so put that up. News on the Shadowdancer front: things are slow. But I am planning to begin posting chapters to my site as well as to the Basement.

05.27.2003 Revamped the links page and added several new sites.

05.24.2003 Wrote a fic! Well, a little Weiss PWP centered on Wanking!Aya, Chain a Waterfall. For Scribble. NC17. :)