Short Stories

12. Points Police

ASG_Oxalis> rut roh

ASG_Gnomette> I won I won!!!!!

ASG_Gnomette> lol

Farfalle> you won ? 

ASG_Oxalis> oh hush

Farfalle> what did you win ? 

ASG_Gnomette> ladder game

ASG_Oxalis> sheesh

Farfalle> lolol  

ASG_Oxalis> my first one too

Snowy_Host> wooooooo hoooooooooooooooooo

+TidalWave_Host> waaaaaa hhooooo, Gnomette!

Farfalle> woo hooooo  

Snowy_Host> WTG Hon!!

ASG_Oxalis> only just gnomettey

ASG_Gnomette> came back from 2/0

Farfalle> Awww Oxalis  :(  

Snowy_Host> wow farf....that was really enthusiastic LOL

ASG_Oxalis> yeah yeah lets all rub it in

Snowy_Host> woo hooo

ASG_Oxalis> rofl snowy

ASG_Gnomette> Wooooooo Hooooooooo 

Farfalle> Welll  ..  have fun the rest of the way  :))) 

Snowy_Host> lolol

Farfalle> I got to get back to work here :) 

ASG_Gnomette> as if you wouldn't

Snowy_Host> byeeeeeeeeee Farf

ASG_Oxalis> always fun with u here farfie

ASG_Oxalis> couuuuuuurse I wouldnt

Farfalle> bye all  :))  thanks oxie 

ASG_Oxalis> *grin*

ASG_Oxalis> byeeee

ASG_Gnomette> {{{{{farfy}}}}}}}}}}}]byeeee

(Exit)> Farfalle

ASG_Oxalis> mwah

ASG_Oxalis> missed lol

ASG_Oxalis> kissed empty air then

ASG_Gnomette> lol

Snowy_Host> lol

ASG_Gnomette> ok tyvm sis was greyt to beat you 

ASG_Oxalis> oh dear gnomette

ASG_Gnomette> ty Snowy & Tidal greyt tourney!!!!

+TidalWave_Host> Gnomette you're certainly welcome :-}

ASG_Gnomette> ty ty

ASG_Oxalis> its not loading I cant post it *weg*

+TidalWave_Host> ((((((((((( Gnomette )))))))))))))

ASG_Oxalis> hehehehe

ASG_Gnomette> not often on PC but Gnomey's out rofl

+TidalWave_Host> lolol... kick him out more often!!

Snowy_Host> LOL!!!

ASG_Oxalis> lol

Snowy_Host> tell him he needs fresh air

ASG_Gnomette> I wish!!!!

Snowy_Host> lolol

+TidalWave_Host> lololol... don't tell teach I said that about him   

ASG_Gnomette> ok I tell him you said so ok

ASG_Oxalis> rofl

ASG_Oxalis> make him smoke outdoors

+TidalWave_Host> noooooooooooooooooooo

ASG_Gnomette> rofl

+TidalWave_Host> lololol

Snowy_Host> lol

ASG_Oxalis> grrr I gotta reboot

ASG_Oxalis> brb

(Exit)> ASG_Oxalis

+TidalWave_Host> see you in a couple, Oxalis

ASG_Gnomette> me too but I'm offf take care sweeties bye

Snowy_Host> byeeee Gnomette  mwah

+TidalWave_Host> Gnomette... soooo good to see you

ASG_Gnomette> mwah

ASG_Gnomette> ty U2!!!

ASG_Bee> great tourney to the both of you   gotta run to store  hehehehe

(Exit)> ASG_Gnomette

Snowy_Host> byeeeeeee bzzzz

ASG_Bee> bye alllllll

(Exit)> ASG_Bee

+TidalWave_Host> (((((((((( Bee ))))))))))

Snowy_Host> :o)

(Exit)> ShortSugar1

Snowy_Host> ok...all that chocolate talk has drivn me insane

Snowy_Host> i must have chocolate

+TidalWave_Host> Snowy?

Snowy_Host> yes ?

taz35> no choccy here. i think my man ate it all  :(

+TidalWave_Host> wasn't the chocolate you were that way ages ago  **ducking**

+TidalWave_Host> he he he he

Snowy_Host> ok....i know i'm blonde.....but i made no sense of that statment what so ever

taz35> that's what i thought sis LOL

Snowy_Host> lolol

Snowy_Host> retype hon LOL

taz35> you had to read it more than 1 time LOL

+TidalWave_Host> It wasn't the talk about chocolate that drove you insane... you were insane ages ago, hun

Snowy_Host> rofl!!!

Snowy_Host> yeah yeah yeah

Snowy_Host> LOLOL

Snowy_Host> ok i'm insane and starving for chocolates LOL

+TidalWave_Host> ok... now put the blonde away...  

+TidalWave_Host> he he he

+TidalWave_Host> bring out the roots

+TidalWave_Host> **ducking**

Snowy_Host> i wish it were that easszy LOL

Snowy_Host> sheeesh i can't type today

Snowy_Host> i think a chocolate fix would help my typing LOL

taz35> bec u need choocy real bad

Snowy_Host> LOL!!!

taz35> choccy even

+TidalWave_Host> really bad... 

Snowy_Host> would soothe my nerves LOL

taz35> Coccy always help get rid of headaches and less nerves

taz35> choccy  even

taz35> see what u did snowy

kingsmitty1> *******kingsmitty/sweet thing@91***********

+TidalWave_Host>   awwwww sweety thanks for playing  :o) *~*~*~*~ Hope you had FUN !

Snowy_Host> wow smitty!!!

Snowy_Host> guess what?

kingsmitty1> i'm getting the family site warnign?

sweety_thing> ty

(Exit)> sweety_thing

Snowy_Host> lolol

Snowy_Host> nope...not this time dear

Snowy_Host> SMITTY........Congrats!!  You made it to the finals!!! 

Snowy_Host>          Please go to snowdrift #49 and zm me your

Snowy_Host>          email addy :o)  Good Luck  2 U!  :o) 

kingsmitty1> like you don't know my addy?  LOL

Snowy_Host> rofl

Snowy_Host> well...i feel i should still ask LOL

+TidalWave_Host> always ask lolol...

+TidalWave_Host> and than ignore the zm he he he

Snowy_Host> ya know....being the courteous professional that i am :o)))

Snowy_Host> LOL Tidal  

kingsmitty1> that is so nice of you and as a reward i'll let you read the first bible passage at our meeting tonight

Snowy_Host> rofl

Snowy_Host> awwww thank you so much for you sweet thoughts :o)

Snowy_Host> and your caring and support :o)

Snowy_Host> you are just an all around wonderful human being dear :o)

+TidalWave_Host> getting the shovel out

Snowy_Host> LOLOL

kingsmitty1> its getting deep in here get your boots on!!!!!

+TidalWave_Host> before it gets above knee height

Snowy_Host> *grin*

(Enter)> ShortSugar1

+TidalWave_Host> ((((((((((((((((( ShortSweety )))))))))))))) wb


Snowy_Host> ~~~~Attention Players....please notify Host or Cohost

Snowy_Host>              when booted opponent returns so we can

Snowy_Host>                    stop timing.... Thank You!!!  :o)

Snowy_Host> oopsie

Snowy_Host> wrong one

+TidalWave_Host> lolol

Snowy_Host> i can't even find the AMOS one

Snowy_Host> lol

(Enter)> Points_Police

+TidalWave_Host> omg... LOLOL

Snowy_Host> wooooooooo hooooooooooooooo ROFLMBO

+TidalWave_Host> Hi Points!

ShortSugar1> whoops

Snowy_Host> everyone hide now!!!

Points_Police> hello hello hello

Points_Police> sorry to bother u young ladies

Points_Police> but I have a warrant for an arrest

+TidalWave_Host> yes, Points?

Snowy_Host> LOL!!!

+TidalWave_Host> lol... go get em!

ShortSugar1> <-------------- scramming

Points_Police> name on the top here is.... urmmm

Snowy_Host> no fair!!!   i'm stuck here!!

Snowy_Host> lol

Points_Police> hold on let me look

Snowy_Host> awwww mannnnnn

Points_Police> ShortSugar Nimbus_Host

Snowy_Host> she's checking her book

+TidalWave_Host> certainly can't be me lolol...

+TidalWave_Host> has no points what so ever

ShortSugar1> 48 hours, I thought I had 48 hours

ShortSugar1> lol

Snowy_Host> shooooot.....*kicking dirt*

Points_Police> hmmm must be a poshie with a double barrelled name like that

Points_Police> anyone know of the whereabouts of this Ms Nimbus_Host??

Snowy_Host> oh 24 hours isn't up yet

Snowy_Host> hehehehe

+TidalWave_Host> looking... looking...

Points_Police> your 24 hrs Ms snowy?

+TidalWave_Host> I see no one called Nimbus here now

ShortSugar1> Um ...... I don't know any MsNimbus

Points_Police> hmmm first name here of

Points_Police> urmm

Points_Police> ShortSugar

Points_Police> hmmmm

ShortSugar1> <-------------- scramming

Snowy_Host> *plugging ears*   *not listening to names on warrants*

ShortSugar1> <--------------- hiding

+TidalWave_Host> nope... ShortSugar1... but no ShortSugar

Points_Police> *peering suspiciously at ShortSugar*

Points_Police> oh hold on

Points_Police> yep there is a 1 after that

Points_Police> I thot that was just where I put my donut earlier

Snowy_Host> I think you should leave ....and bring back the dogs after that Nimbus person

+TidalWave_Host> uh oh... I tried to hide you, Short... 

Points_Police> but no its a 1

Snowy_Host> tsk tsk....not getting points in on time...that's awful!!

Snowy_Host> :o)))))

Points_Police> hmmm Ms Snowy

(Enter)> +Chinook_HOST

Points_Police> says ere

+TidalWave_Host> <--- gets a couple of visits a month from Points_Police

ShortSugar1> lol Tidal

Snowy_Host> I belive....correct me if I'm wrong....that Ms Snowy is still within her 24 hour time period

Points_Police> that I should follow up on a Ms Mermaid Snowy_Host after this

Points_Police> wow another poshie!

Snowy_Host> naaaaaaa....she's always on time....she'll get them in...i know her :o)

+TidalWave_Host> ((((((((((((((( Chinny ))))))))))))) when did you slip in??????

Points_Police> hmmmm I will note that in my little black book

+Chinook_HOST> ((((((((((( Short Suga - Tidal - taz ))))))))))))

Points_Police> evening Mr Chinook sir

+TidalWave_Host> looking for the (Enter) Chinny... *sigh*

+Chinook_HOST> ((((((( snowy - PP ))))))))))

Snowy_Host> whew....ty ty ty 

Points_Police> nowwwwww where was I??

+TidalWave_Host> there it is...

Points_Police> hmmm 

+TidalWave_Host> lol

Points_Police> Ms Nimbus_Host

Snowy_Host> :o)

Points_Police> says 'ere

Snowy_Host> lol

ShortSugar1> hhmmm

Snowy_Host> ya know.....i haven't seen a badge here

ShortSugar1> <--------- hiding

+TidalWave_Host> Sug... gotta give you up hun... extradition rights with the Brits and all

Snowy_Host> i need some identification

ShortSugar1> LOL

Points_Police> non submission of points after 24 hrs

ShortSugar1> 48 48 48 48 48

Snowy_Host> rofl

Points_Police> 48?

+TidalWave_Host> lolol....  I was taught 24

Snowy_Host> I agree....i think its 48 hours

Snowy_Host> hush Tidal

Snowy_Host> lol

+TidalWave_Host> hmmmmmmmmmmmm.....

ShortSugar1> 72 72 72 72 72 

Snowy_Host> rofl

+TidalWave_Host> roflmao

(Enter)> Taxman_commeth

Points_Police> hmmm these numbers seem to be going up

+TidalWave_Host> Hi there Taxman

Points_Police> definately says 24 on this warrant

+Chinook_HOST> tick tock

Snowy_Host> then the warrant should be thrown out on a technicality...shouldn't it?

Snowy_Host> :o)))

ShortSugar1> Yes, yes, hear what Snowy has to say!

Points_Police> I'm sorry Ms Nimbus_Host but I will have to take u in

Snowy_Host> wow...that doesn't happen often

Taxman_commeth> lol

Points_Police>         _@____

Points_Police>  ____/ COP Car \____

Points_Police> (||_(@)_________(@)_]) .......Red Alert 

ShortSugar1> LOL

+TidalWave_Host> waaaaa hoooo I love it!

Snowy_Host> rofl

Points_Police> hold out your hands please

Points_Police>     ,•º°º•,

Points_Police>   .§.     .§.

Points_Police>   ((¯))   ((¯))

Points_Police>   `¯´    `¯´

ShortSugar1> ROFL

Snowy_Host> oh noooooooo

Snowy_Host> rofl

Taxman_commeth> rolf

Snowy_Host> the cuffs!!  she's got cuffs!!!

Points_Police> sorry to disturb the tournament ladies and gentleman but the offender has been removed now

Snowy_Host> rofl

Taxman_commeth> lol

Points_Police> *salutes*

Snowy_Host> lolol

Points_Police>           _@____

Points_Police>   ____/ COP Car \____

Points_Police>  (||_(@)_________(@)_]) .......Red Alert 

Points_Police> off we go

+Chinook_HOST> lol

(Exit)> Points_Police

(Exit)> ShortSugar1

Snowy_Host> awwwwwwwwwww

Taxman_commeth> rofl

Snowy_Host> lol

+TidalWave_Host> lolol...


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