Short Stories

15. Star Treking

+Greyclouds_Host> Please hold chat and macros for a while

+AlpineGlow_Host> ... go to transporters 43-48 and the host will beam you to your assigned planet. :o)

+AlpineGlow_Host> :X

+Greyclouds_Host> there is gonna be a short presentation :o)

(Exit)> HeKnight

+Greyclouds_Host> hello heknight :o)

+Greyclouds_Host> ok take it away ratster

Commander_Ratty> *BOING boing BOING boing BOING boing BOING boing*

Commander_Ratty> I'll just do that for a while :)

Commander_Ratty> Ready guys?

marcar>  There's Klingons on the starboard bow, starboard bow, starboard bow,

Klingon_2_Me> lol

marcar> there's Klingons on the starboard bow, starboard bow, Jim.

Admiral_Koloth> It's life Jim, but not as we know it, not as we know it, not as we know it, not as we know it, it's life Jim, but not as we know it, not as we know it, Captain.

Commander_Ratty> It's worse then that he's dead Jim, dead Jim, dead Jim, it's worse then that he's dead Jim, dead Jim, dead!,

marcar>  Ye canna change the laws o physics, laws o physics, laws o physics, ye

marcar> canna change the laws o physics, laws o physics, Cap'n.

Admiral_Koloth> We come in peace!, (Phasers on stun, phasers on stun, phasers on stun), We come in peace!, (phasers on stun , phasers on stun, men.)

Commander_Ratty> Staaaaaaaaar trekkin, across the universe. On the starship Enterprise, under Captain James T. Kirk.

Admiral_Koloth> Staaaaaaaaar trekkin, across the universe. On the starship Enterprise, under Captain James T. Kirk.

marcar>  Staaaaaaaaar trekkin, across the universe. On the starship Enterprise, under Captain James T. Kirk.

marcar> whew lol

Commander_Ratty> phewwwww lol

ASG_GreysDoggy> lol

+Greyclouds_Host> woooooo hooooooooooo *clap**clap**clap*

+AlpineGlow_Host> hehehe

_Cloaked>  * clap *

Klingon_2_Me> wooooohoooooooo *wetting self laffin*


+Greyclouds_Host> hehehe I love it

+Greyclouds_Host> me too klingon

ASG_GreysDoggy> lol


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