Short Stories

17. THE Washcloth Story

SmokinJoesBaby> ok pancakes almost done who wants one?

+AlpineGlow> me me me

+AlpineGlow> lol

+AlpineGlow> <---hungry

loveFriday> me me me me me

SmokinJoesBaby> *tossing pancakes around the room like frisbees*

pigleten> lol Joe

+AlpineGlow> *catch*

loveFriday> ouch...just got whacked by one!

+AlpineGlow> wooooo hoooooo yyummy

SmokinJoesBaby> here comes the syrup duck lol

+GreyClouds_> omg

+AlpineGlow> oopsssss

pigleten> omg

+AlpineGlow> lol

(Exit)> GWF_Carp62

pigleten> sticky

SmokinJoesBaby> *getting out super soaker*

+AlpineGlow> hehehe Baby:)

SmokinJoesBaby> hold your plates up

+GreyClouds_> dang baby not THAT much mess

PAL_CN_FreeBird> CArrrrrrrpppppppppppppp

PAL_CN_FreeBird> lol

+AlpineGlow> plates????

+GreyClouds_> u lost your fish again?

+AlpineGlow> no plates here

pigleten> who cleans

SmokinJoesBaby> ok pancakes then lol

(Enter)> GWF_Carp62

+AlpineGlow> hehehe

SmokinJoesBaby> i'm not cleaning lol

+GreyClouds_> wb carpie

+AlpineGlow> wb carpie

+GreyClouds_> lol poooor Nimbus

SmokinJoesBaby> that is MM's job now lol

+AlpineGlow> I can tell Baby

pigleten> zone maids?

+GreyClouds_> hehe piglet

Dragonwings59> tyvm guys :)

SmokinJoesBaby> Dragonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

+GreyClouds_> yvvvw dragon always :o)

+AlpineGlow> yvvw Dragon:)

+AlpineGlow> ty for being here:)

Dragonwings59> lol {{{{{{{{{{smokin}}}}}}}}}}

SmokinJoesBaby> oh she just gonna ignore me now lol

+GreyClouds_> hehe

Dragonwings59> awww ya know whenever I can :)))

pigleten> If you can toss pancakes a little

Dragonwings59> I'm telling ya

+GreyClouds_> hehe yeppers

+raeBUCIooBAkeeP> ok where was i in the kitchen?

+GreyClouds_> got some lips that carp

+GreyClouds_> sucks the other dots right off of those dice

Dragonwings59> lol

Dragonwings59> still trying to do those dishes peeky??

+raeBUCIooBAkeeP> no way dragon lol

+GreyClouds_> haha dragon she doesnt do dishes

Dragonwings59> LOL

+raeBUCIooBAkeeP> i don't do dishes or windows lol

Dragonwings59> whew.. had me worried for a minute there

+raeBUCIooBAkeeP> that is joes job lol

Dragonwings59> LOL

+AlpineGlow> hehehe training him right

Dragonwings59> and he's away.. wonder if he planned it that way??

+TowTruck2> why wash them when ya can throw them away and eat at friends houses

Dragonwings59> save them for him lol

+raeBUCIooBAkeeP> lol tow

Dragonwings59> better yet.. ship them to him

(Enter)> PAL_GR_Artemis

Dragonwings59> should make him feel better lol

+GreyClouds_> hmmm

PAL_GR_Artemis> so we have this room now????

+GreyClouds_> wb artemis :o))

(Enter)> EU_GR_glikoula

+AlpineGlow> :))

+GreyClouds_> we are just borrowing it for this tourney

+GreyClouds_> but from Monday - yes

+GreyClouds_> we have this room

PAL_GR_Artemis> ok ))))

loveFriday>   night night +GreyClouds & +AlpineGlow : ) thanks for the tourney

+AlpineGlow> :)))

+AlpineGlow> niters Friday:)

PAL_GR_Artemis> gonna miss spur 2 too

+AlpineGlow> ty for being here

loveFriday> : )

+GreyClouds_> niters love :o)

loveFriday> ty for having me : )

+AlpineGlow> anytime friday

+AlpineGlow> or yesterday

loveFriday> hahhaha

+GreyClouds_> or tomorrow

+AlpineGlow> :))

loveFriday> lmoa

+GreyClouds_> yvw hon :o)

loveFriday> i should make loveSomeday

Dragonwings59> LOL

loveFriday> but that sounds sad lol

+AlpineGlow> oooooo yes!!

+GreyClouds_> rofl

+raeBUCIooBAkeeP> how about NeverBeenLoved

+AlpineGlow> or allday

+GreyClouds_> awwww

+GreyClouds_> oo yes

+GreyClouds_> how bout loveEveryDay

+raeBUCIooBAkeeP> or LovingSomeone

Dragonwings59> ok.. this is depressing and exhilarating at the same time

+GreyClouds_> pssst keeP the days are the theme here

loveFriday> lol

+AlpineGlow> u writing these down friday

Dragonwings59> danger Will Robinson

+GreyClouds_> hehe

loveFriday> neverbeenloved would really really be sad lol

Dragonwings59> yes :((

loveFriday> loveEveryday is goooooood

+AlpineGlow> alwaysloved

+raeBUCIooBAkeeP> oh ok lol

loveFriday> loveAlways

loveFriday> bet thats taken though

+GreyClouds_> lol keep up keeP

Dragonwings59> AlwaysLove

+raeBUCIooBAkeeP> 8DazeAWeek

+AlpineGlow> hehehe

Dragonwings59> coolness

+AlpineGlow> what is papa doing?

Dragonwings59> probably safer not to ask

+AlpineGlow> the wash cloth story again?

loveFriday> hes yakking

+GreyClouds_> hehehe pinely

Dragonwings59> lol

+GreyClouds_> thats a goooooooood story

Dragonwings59> tell it tell it!!

+GreyClouds_> better from papa

+AlpineGlow> you have to have him tell it

+AlpineGlow> tooooo funny

+AlpineGlow> lol

Dragonwings59> ack

Dragonwings59> ok

+raeBUCIooBAkeeP> ok who went to grab 8daze lol

Dragonwings59> LOL

Dragonwings59> not me

+AlpineGlow> not meeee

fatherfig1> *********fatherfig1/////thunderbird@ 58 ? real nice opp and great game ty for that :) *****

+GreyClouds_> thundr awwww Thanks for playing  :o) *~*~*~*~ Hope you had FUN!

+raeBUCIooBAkeeP> poor thundr :*(

+AlpineGlow>   ••*~§~*~§~*~  ASSIGNMENT at table # 18 papa

fatherfig1> ty hostie

+ThundrBird> oh yeah .. had a blast :))

+AlpineGlow> Thundr ty for being here tonite:))

fatherfig1> <----sits on greys lap

Dragonwings59> lol

+GreyClouds_> oooo kewl

+AlpineGlow> oops

+TowTruck2> awwwwwww thunderchicken

+AlpineGlow> hehehe

+GreyClouds_> come on then papa

Dragonwings59> better be careful.. she's on the floor a lot

fatherfig1> lol

loveFriday>     omgosh lmao

Dragonwings59> lol

snoopydoop1> ***********snoopy.///Bunni@16*********vgm,vnopp

loveFriday> someone else calls you chicken ahhahahahhahaa

+GreyClouds_> bummi awwww Thanks for playing  :o) *~*~*~*~ Hope you had FUN!

(Exit)> +ThundrBird

Dragonwings59> aww bunni :(

+GreyClouds_> rofl bye thundr

fatherfig1> go to dairy barn lol

_EnergizerBunni> ty Grey and Alpine great tourney as always

_EnergizerBunni> whew

+GreyClouds_> yvvw bummi ty for being here as always :o)

_EnergizerBunni> i thot i was gone lol

Dragonwings59> lol

Dragonwings59> hehe

Dragonwings59> gogo hook!!

snoopydoop1> Did I miss my assignment?

hook21> ty hotwings

(Exit)> loveFriday

+TowTruck2> <<<tried picking up on myself .........but got turned down :/

Dragonwings59> yvw hook

+GreyClouds_> nopers snoops

Dragonwings59> LOL

+GreyClouds_> Pinely???

snoopydoop1> ok

Dragonwings59> poor tow :(

+TowTruck2> i even gave myself the wrong phone number

Dragonwings59> is pinely hiding under the tables again?

+AlpineGlow>   ••*~§~*~§~*~  ASSIGNMENT at table # 24 snoops

+GreyClouds_> ••*~§~*~§~*~  ASSIGNMENT at umbrella # 31 hook

Dragonwings59> lol tow

+GreyClouds_> aha there she is :o)

fatherfig1> wow i wonder if he just circled the block trying to pick himself up

Dragonwings59> lol

+AlpineGlow>   ••*~§~*~§~*~  ASSIGNMENT at table # 31 hook

+GreyClouds_> hehe I got it right

+raeBUCIooBAkeeP> sorry got to go

(Exit)> +raeBUCIooBAkeeP

+TowTruck2> you where watching huh figmiester

hook21> ill never make fun of where you live again piney i just got back fromm upstate ny and was starting to talk to the deer

+GreyClouds_> byeee keeP

fatherfig1> lol

snoopydoop1> awwwwww Nitters Peeky

Dragonwings59> everything ok peek?

+GreyClouds_> LOL hook

+GreyClouds_> pssst she gone dragon

Dragonwings59> dang.. slow fingers lol

Dragonwings59> tyvm.. ::blushing::

+GreyClouds_> lol

+GreyClouds_> np

+AlpineGlow> hehehe hookie

+GreyClouds_> snoops u are waiting for table 18 hon

+TowTruck2> why is everyone talking about my exwife......................the dragon

(Enter)> loveDaily

fatherfig1> dear john ,

PAL_USA_TORNADO> ouchyyyyyyyyyyyy ;o

hook21> yes

Dragonwings59> I just saw what hook said lol

Iambic> ********************Iambic over PAL_USA_TORNADO @ 20*******

Dragonwings59> did they talk back dear?

PAL_USA_TORNADO> gl iam ;o)

+GreyClouds_> tornado awww Thanks for playing  :o) *~*~*~*~ Hope you had FUN!

Dragonwings59> no pun intended ;o)

hook21> i think soo

PAL_USA_TORNADO> always greyt ;o)

PAL_CN_FreeBird> go gett'em Iambic  :)))

Dragonwings59> lol

Iambic> Will do m'best  :))

+AlpineGlow>   ••*~§~*~§~*~  ASSIGNMENT at table # 31 Iambic

Dragonwings59> deer101 for hook

+TowTruck2> your punny person

Dragonwings59> lol

+GreyClouds_> lol dragon

+GreyClouds_> :o)) tornado

Dragonwings59> some days tow.. some days lol

loveDaily> <-----------lookie lookie

+GreyClouds_> woooooo hooooooo DAILY!!

+TowTruck2> dont quit your day job tho

loveDaily> hahhaha....couldnt get Everyday lol

Dragonwings59> ok tow.. will keep that in mind

+GreyClouds_> hehehe I love it daily - I will be able to find u now lol

Dragonwings59> :)

+TowTruck2> dont worry i will have it back in the morning

PAL_USA_TORNADO> i guess we moved early?

+GreyClouds_> nopers tornado

PAL_USA_TORNADO> who didnt pay the rent?

+GreyClouds_> just an emergency move

+GreyClouds_> drizzle

PAL_USA_TORNADO> or was it the extra light bill?

+GreyClouds_> tee hee

loveDaily> lol....i see we have a towtruck got one too!

+GreyClouds_> <---NEVER blames others


GWF_Carp62> *******GWF_Carp62/Linkone1  @ 30*****gg  vnopp

(Exit)> loveDaily

+AlpineGlow>   ••*~§~*~§~*~  ASSIGNMENT at table # 40 Carp

EU_GR_glikoula> stop lol and turn it on

Dragonwings59> goooooooooo carpie

(Enter)> __TowTruck__

+AlpineGlow> semis for u carp

+GreyClouds_> wooo hoo carpie

GWF_Carp62> wooooohooooooo tyvm  Dragonwings Darling!!

+TowTruck2> but that is a generic towtruck

PAL_USA_TORNADO> wtg carp ;o)

+GreyClouds_> spur 2 is back btw

+GreyClouds_> we'll be back there for 1pm

GWF_Carp62> ********tyvm Grey/Piney  you 2 still are the besttttttttttt

PAL_USA_TORNADO> we are back in spur2 till monday?

Dragonwings59> yvw sweetfish :)

+GreyClouds_> yvvw carpie :o))

+AlpineGlow> ty ty carpie

+GreyClouds_> yeppers tornado


+AlpineGlow> but not now

+GreyClouds_> heheh omg no

+AlpineGlow> gonna stay right here:))

PAL_USA_TORNADO> omg so confused lol

snoopydoop1> lol

+GreyClouds_> rofl

Dragonwings59> lol

+TowTruck2> everybody switch rooms on the count of 3

+TowTruck2> 1

+TowTruck2> 2

+GreyClouds_> ok we are in spur 2 till after the marathon

Dragonwings59> great.. I have company!!!!!!

+AlpineGlow> not taking the chance of losing anyone else

snoopydoop1> noooooooooooooooooooo

+TowTruck2> 2 1/4

Dragonwings59> confusion is sometimes a great place to be

+GreyClouds_> then on monday at the 3am et we are here

+TowTruck2> 2 5/6

snoopydoop1> too funny

fatherfig1> host is there a mercy rule when u have 12 pieces on the bar?

Dragonwings59> LOL

+GreyClouds_> nope papa

Dragonwings59> nice try dad

fatherfig1> lol geez

+AlpineGlow> let us take a photo tho

snoopydoop1> lol father

Dragonwings59> lol

+TowTruck2> what comes after 2 something

+GreyClouds_> hehe pinely

+AlpineGlow> :))

+GreyClouds_> thats wicked

fatherfig1> someone stop the bleeding

+AlpineGlow> we could enlarge it and show it at ac for u:)

snoopydoop1> everybody kabitz father now, only

+GreyClouds_> ooooo good idea pinely

fatherfig1> alpine lets not and say we did lol

+GreyClouds_> lol snoops I did

+GreyClouds_> hehehehe papa

+AlpineGlow> rofl

+AlpineGlow> otay:))

(Exit)> __TowTruck__

+GreyClouds_> psssst papa lost

+GreyClouds_> hehehe

+GreyClouds_> got slightly gammoned

+AlpineGlow> oh my

snoopydoop1> U r

+GreyClouds_> but only slightly

+AlpineGlow> darn tho't he might make a comeback

EU_GR_alex> ************alex//fatherfig@ 18

+GreyClouds_> toooo late

+GreyClouds_> papa awwwww Thanks for playing  :o) *~*~*~*~ Hope you had FUN!

fatherfig1> wtg alex good luck

+AlpineGlow>   ••*~§~*~§~*~  ASSIGNMENT at table # 24 alex

snoopydoop1> Im in BIG trouble

+GreyClouds_> hehehe

_EnergizerBunni> lol

+AlpineGlow> hehehe

fatherfig1> Glad i'm going into the hospital in 3 hours

fatherfig1> geez

+AlpineGlow> u need the rest papa?

+AlpineGlow> ((((((((((((((papa))))))))))))) gl hon:)

fatherfig1> i have to get a blot removed from parts unknown

+GreyClouds_> lol :ox

_EnergizerBunni> come here father i will remove that blot

+AlpineGlow> hmmmm papa's parts are blotted

+AlpineGlow> oooooo go bunni GO

+AlpineGlow> lol

fatherfig1> yes u can say that

_EnergizerBunni> lol

fatherfig1> bunni hold that thought till after i am out

+AlpineGlow> you have our tho'ts and prayers papa:))

fatherfig1> ty love :)

+GreyClouds_> {{{{{{{{{{{papa}}}}}}}}}}}}

snoopydoop1> YES'

_EnergizerBunni> ok :)

+GreyClouds_> ooo hold on papa

+GreyClouds_> I got something for u

fatherfig1> not going anywhere

+GreyClouds_>    .-'"'-.   

+GreyClouds_>   : #     :   .-'"'-.     Balloons for

+GreyClouds_>    \     /  : #      :    the kids

+GreyClouds_>      `'q'`   \      /    amongst us (fatherfig1) :o)

+GreyClouds_>         )      `'p'` 

+GreyClouds_>        (          ) 


_EnergizerBunni> lol

+AlpineGlow> :))

+GreyClouds_> wooooo hooooooo not popped either

GWF_Carp62> hehehehehehe    nice Grey

fatherfig1> wow and no one broke my balloons this time

+GreyClouds_> amazing huh?

+AlpineGlow> now where else would u be so loved and cared for papa?

Iambic> **********************Iambic over hook21 @ 31**********

fatherfig1> you got that right :)

+GreyClouds_> hooky awwww Thanks for playing  :o) *~*~*~*~ Hope you had FUN!

+AlpineGlow> :))

+GreyClouds_> :o))

+AlpineGlow>   ••*~§~*~§~*~  ASSIGNMENT at table # 40 Iambic  semis

hook21> gl iambic ty very much greyt and piney as always a greyt time

+AlpineGlow> yvvw hook

+GreyClouds_> yvvw hooky - ty for being here hon :o)

+AlpineGlow> we miss seeing u as often

GWF_Carp62> awwwwww sorry Hooky

+AlpineGlow> ty for being here tonite

hook21> i just got home couldn't get online where i was

+GreyClouds_> ;o((

+GreyClouds_> we missed u

fatherfig1> folks think about it everyone was booted thrown out of their home in spur 2 alpine and grey pitches a tent and welcomes you with open arms are they great hosties or what?

+TowTruck2> <<<<is rearranging furniture in spur

+AlpineGlow> lol

hook21> i missed you the phone system was antique  lol

+GreyClouds_> hehe ty tow

+AlpineGlow> desparate is more like it papa:)) but ty ty ty

+GreyClouds_> thank you papa ;o)))

+AlpineGlow> omg hooky

+GreyClouds_> rofl hooky

fatherfig1> they didnt miss a beat what a team

+AlpineGlow> just like we have up here hook?

+GreyClouds_> :o))

+GreyClouds_> *blushing*

+TowTruck2> hey whats with all the seat belts on chairs now

+AlpineGlow> papa we love working together and we love our players:)))

+GreyClouds_> lol tow

hook21> i think yours beats it piney

fatherfig1> hook where did you say you were again green acres?

+AlpineGlow> hehehe hook

Dragonwings59> lol

+AlpineGlow> hmmmm greyling?

+GreyClouds_> we sure do love our players :o))

+GreyClouds_> hmmmm pinely??

fatherfig1> and alpine it surely shows :)

+AlpineGlow> grab lobby chat and we'll frame it

hook21> yes had too take my pc up the pole to play

+GreyClouds_> hehe ok

+AlpineGlow> ty papa:))

fatherfig1> lol hook

Dragonwings59> LOL

+AlpineGlow> good heavens hook:))

+AlpineGlow> lol

+GreyClouds_> eeek hooky!!

+TowTruck2> see something that looks like vitamins at all the tables...............walks over too investigate omy   ANTI-----Boot medicine

+GreyClouds_> wires and clamps to connect??

fatherfig1> the man has played in a blackout by candle in a rain storm now on a pole wow hes addicted lol

+GreyClouds_> LOL tow

+GreyClouds_> hehehe papa

hook21> lol

+AlpineGlow> can he be helped???

+AlpineGlow> NO

fatherfig1> lol

+AlpineGlow> he just has to play:)

+GreyClouds_> roflmbo

fatherfig1> i know when i die it will say on my stone he has no legal moves

+GreyClouds_> lol

hook21> and dad broke in someones house too play when he was in exile i mean gods country

+AlpineGlow> ROFL

fatherfig1> lol yes

+AlpineGlow> oh dear

fatherfig1> that was funny

+AlpineGlow> hehehe

+GreyClouds_> hmmmm tell us??

fatherfig1> nooooooo lol

+AlpineGlow> please tell us???????

+GreyClouds_> <-- getting on knees

fatherfig1> cops didnt believe it either

+AlpineGlow> we won't tell anyone else

fatherfig1> lol

+AlpineGlow> LOL

+GreyClouds_> pleaeeeeeeeeeease

+GreyClouds_> nopers we wont

+AlpineGlow> ~~~~ Players if you have any objections to your player nic

+AlpineGlow>           being on our interactive theatre website at:


+AlpineGlow>                         Please let one of the hosts know ~~~~~~

Dragonwings59> dad?

+GreyClouds_> really we wont

+AlpineGlow> heheheheh devil made me

+GreyClouds_> hehehe

fatherfig1> lets just say you do what u have to do to play

+GreyClouds_> I know

+AlpineGlow> aha

+GreyClouds_> hehehe papa

+GreyClouds_> oooo yes

+GreyClouds_> dragon wants to hear the washcloth story

hook21> im sure the owner loved all the new downloads lol

Dragonwings59> the washcloth story??

fatherfig1> lol

Dragonwings59> lol  yes :)

+GreyClouds_> hehehe hook

Dragonwings59> LOL hook

fatherfig1> oh geez

+AlpineGlow> :)))

+AlpineGlow> :X

(Enter)> +raeBUCIooBAkeeP

+GreyClouds_> hehe pinely

+AlpineGlow> wb peeky:))

+raeBUCIooBAkeeP> look out i'm back lol

+GreyClouds_> wb keeP :o)

+raeBUCIooBAkeeP> and so is spur tr2 lol

+GreyClouds_> lol we know

+AlpineGlow> kewl we know but we ain't moving now

+raeBUCIooBAkeeP> lol ok

+GreyClouds_> we staying here tho

Dragonwings59> peeky!!!!

+AlpineGlow> hehehe

+GreyClouds_> brb 1 min pinely

+raeBUCIooBAkeeP> chicken butts lol

+AlpineGlow> papa the washcloth story??

fatherfig1> i have a tape floating around with some of the stories bunni can vouch for it i will pass it around if i get it back soon

Dragonwings59> yuck peek

+AlpineGlow> y y yy

+raeBUCIooBAkeeP> well now i'm gonna head to bed i think lol almost 2:30 there

Dragonwings59> was hoping for truffles.. but chicken butts??? ummm no thx

_EnergizerBunni> lol yes father i still have it

+AlpineGlow> we will wait papa:))

+AlpineGlow> rofl dragon

Dragonwings59> :)

+raeBUCIooBAkeeP> niters all :o)

(Exit)> +raeBUCIooBAkeeP

+AlpineGlow> (((((((((((((peek))))))))))))) niters

Dragonwings59> niters peek :)

Dragonwings59> ok ok.. I know.. too slow

hook21> dad if you told us your pants fit like a glove bunni would vouch for it lol

+AlpineGlow> me too

Dragonwings59> but so was pinely

Dragonwings59> LOL

+AlpineGlow> hehehe

Dragonwings59> hook's right lol

_EnergizerBunni> lol

fatherfig1> lol

+AlpineGlow> and yes bunni would

+AlpineGlow> hehe:)

fatherfig1> i love that bunni :)

Dragonwings59> tell us something we don't know dad lol

+AlpineGlow> we know and we do too papa:))

_EnergizerBunni> awwhhhh

_EnergizerBunni> love ya'll too :)

hook21> that bunnis  tnt

+AlpineGlow> you blushing bunni

Dragonwings59> someone needs a kleenex now I'll bet :)

+GreyClouds_> <-- back and scrolling

+AlpineGlow> hehehe

_EnergizerBunni> *blushing*

Dragonwings59> :)

+AlpineGlow> :))

+AlpineGlow> ((((((((((((bunni))))))))))))

Dragonwings59> ok ok.. pass the box around

_EnergizerBunni> love that father too

fatherfig1> no its a bounty two ply but thanks

Dragonwings59> LOL

+AlpineGlow> rofl

_EnergizerBunni> lol

+AlpineGlow> the whole roll???

hook21> and dads the champ of champs

+TowTruck2> [kleenix]

Dragonwings59> woohooooo   that he is!!!!

+AlpineGlow> yes he is hook

Dragonwings59> thx tow

+AlpineGlow>    oº°ºo,,(¯`'·.¸(¯`'·. Congratulations .·'´¯)¸.·'´¯),,oº°ºo

+AlpineGlow>                          fatherfig1

+AlpineGlow>    oº°ºo,,((¯`'·.   May  ZBGTOC Winner!!!  .·'´¯)),,oº°ºo


_EnergizerBunni> i will vouch for that

+GreyClouds_> hehehe

+GreyClouds_> woooooo hooooooo papa

fatherfig1> ok dragon u never heard the washcloth story?

+AlpineGlow> as well as a purty nice person:))

fatherfig1> ty ty

hook21> and he did it carrying 20 people on his back   amazing 

+GreyClouds_> noooo we told her to ask u papa

Dragonwings59> noooo and I've waited patiently.. ask pinely and greyt

_EnergizerBunni> oh my

fatherfig1> lol hook

Dragonwings59> lol  and in the snow with no shoes I heard

+GreyClouds_> yeppers she been a good girl

_EnergizerBunni> lol

+AlpineGlow> hehehe

fatherfig1> ok ok raise yr hand if you heard it

hook21> uphill both ways

fatherfig1> lol

Dragonwings59> and it's hard for me to be patient.. ask anyone who knows me well lol

+GreyClouds_> hehe

Dragonwings59> LOL hook

+AlpineGlow> don't see any hands papa

hook21> lol

+GreyClouds_> me either

_EnergizerBunni> lol

+GreyClouds_> <-- getting copier ready

+AlpineGlow> kewl

+GreyClouds_> *snigger*

+AlpineGlow> hehehe

Dragonwings59> lol

fatherfig1> <-----wow and i thought i was the only one milking this toc thingy

_EnergizerBunni> you go ahead and tell your story father

Dragonwings59> LOL

+GreyClouds_> lol papa get on with it

Dragonwings59> yesssssss

fatherfig1> ok ok

_EnergizerBunni> lol

Dragonwings59> pretty please with sugar on top???

+AlpineGlow> pulllllllleeeeeeeeesssssseeeeeee

fatherfig1> dragon?

Dragonwings59> tyvm

hook21> tell me a story daddy

+GreyClouds_> rofl

Dragonwings59> yes dad?

Dragonwings59> lol hook

_EnergizerBunni> lol hook

fatherfig1> can you give me a kiss first before i start

Dragonwings59> hmmm

hook21> bunni help

+GreyClouds_> omg say no

fatherfig1> lol

Dragonwings59> ok.. kiss to your forehead

Dragonwings59> lol

fatherfig1> ok thats close

Dragonwings59> he's my friend..

_EnergizerBunni> :)

fatherfig1> :)

_EnergizerBunni> lol

Dragonwings59> it will have to do.. that's all you're going to get from me lol

fatherfig1> ok i had this dog when i was first married

Dragonwings59> take it or leave it lol

Dragonwings59> ok

fatherfig1> and he became ill

Dragonwings59> :(

fatherfig1> he had the runs

Dragonwings59> :()

fatherfig1> so my wife grabbed him and ran him to the bathroom

fatherfig1> so she could clean him

GWF_Carp62> :********GWF_Carp62/Iambic @ 40**********abnormal g   vvvvvnopp

fatherfig1> he was dragging his butt on the rug

+GreyClouds_> iambic awww Thanks for playing  :o) *~*~*~*~ Hope you had FUN!

fatherfig1> kinda like i do when drinking alot

+GreyClouds_> rofl

+AlpineGlow> ROFL

_EnergizerBunni> lol

Dragonwings59> lol

_EnergizerBunni> geez

fatherfig1> so she started to clean him

fatherfig1> lol

_EnergizerBunni> lol

_EnergizerBunni> father you never told me that part

+AlpineGlow> almost tmi papa

fatherfig1> and as she cleaned him she ran out of paper

+GreyClouds_> learnt something new bummi??

Dragonwings59> rofl

+GreyClouds_> hehe

_EnergizerBunni> lol grey

fatherfig1> so she grabbed a washcloth

fatherfig1> and began to clean him

fatherfig1> at this time

+GreyClouds_> carpie u will be assigned after this story lol

fatherfig1> i came home

fatherfig1> it was hot that day

GWF_Carp62> ok  np

fatherfig1> i was sweating

+GreyClouds_> lol

fatherfig1> and forgot my keys

_EnergizerBunni> lol

fatherfig1> so i rang the bell

fatherfig1> she put the dog down

fatherfig1> and answered the bell

snoopydoop1> **********snoopy///EU_GR_alex@24*****************gm

+GreyClouds_> alex awww Thanks for playing  :o) *~*~*~*~ Hope you had FUN!

fatherfig1> i came in ran to the bathroom

fatherfig1> to do what we do

fatherfig1> well now that you know the other thing

fatherfig1> not that

fatherfig1> lol

Dragonwings59> lol

+GreyClouds_> lol

_EnergizerBunni> lol

+GreyClouds_> get on with it

fatherfig1> i washed my face

fatherfig1> and hands

fatherfig1> i began to grab for thetowel

fatherfig1> as i did

fatherfig1> it wasnt there

snoopydoop1> Why is no one playing?

+GreyClouds_> cos we are listening to papa

fatherfig1> so i was lucky to find the washcloth laying on the counter

snoopydoop1> lol

fatherfig1> or so i thought

Dragonwings59> lol

fatherfig1> i began to wipe

_EnergizerBunni> lol

fatherfig1> something just wasnt right

Dragonwings59> omg

fatherfig1> i'm not a genius but something was worng here

Dragonwings59> lol

+GreyClouds_> lolol

fatherfig1> worng too

Dragonwings59> LOL

fatherfig1> wrong geez these letters

Iambic> lol

+GreyClouds_> keep changing on u?

GWF_Carp62> lololol

fatherfig1> i yelled to my wife HEY WHATS ON THIS TOWEL

Dragonwings59> rofl

fatherfig1> she answered oh dont use that one

Dragonwings59> LOL

fatherfig1> i said why?

+GreyClouds_> <--- falling off chair

fatherfig1> she said what she had done

_EnergizerBunni> lol


Dragonwings59> LOL


_EnergizerBunni> lol

+GreyClouds_> hehehehehe

Dragonwings59> roflmbo

+AlpineGlow> lol

fatherfig1> i grabbed for the listerine

GWF_Carp62> roflmao

+GreyClouds_> and the moral of the story is....

fatherfig1> and began to drink it

Dragonwings59> lol

+GreyClouds_> DONT kiss papa

Dragonwings59> LOLOLOL

fatherfig1> spitting and spitting

+AlpineGlow> LOL

fatherfig1> i yelled again

fatherfig1> what the heck is wrong with you

Dragonwings59> LOL

fatherfig1> she replied in her bunker voice

+GreyClouds_> lol

+AlpineGlow> hehehehe

fatherfig1> WHO told u to use that

fatherfig1> the moral of this story is

_EnergizerBunni> lol

fatherfig1> if i ever say to you that something taste like s....   believe me i know

Dragonwings59> LOLOL

+GreyClouds_> hehehehehe

+AlpineGlow> I've heard this 3 times and i fall off the chair each time ROFL

GWF_Carp62> lolololololol   roflmao

_EnergizerBunni> lol

+GreyClouds_> me toooooooooo lol

Dragonwings59> about to wet my pants brb

_EnergizerBunni> lolol

+AlpineGlow> omg papa u are priceless

+AlpineGlow> lol dragon

+GreyClouds_> (_________) tissue for everyone crying with laughter

fatherfig1> true story ok now who was it that wanted to kiss me again?

GWF_Carp62> ((((((((((((((((((Fatherrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)))))))))))))))))))0

+AlpineGlow> give me a dozen

+GreyClouds_> rofl papa

+AlpineGlow> otay

+AlpineGlow> back to trny

GWF_Carp62> Can i borrow a towel please  lol

+GreyClouds_> aww do we hafta??

+GreyClouds_> lol carpie

+AlpineGlow> lol

_EnergizerBunni> lol carp

+GreyClouds_> <-- wiping eyes

+AlpineGlow> towel to carpie

+AlpineGlow> carp you pick a table for the finals please?

GWF_Carp62> geeeeeeeeee    am i glad I do speak and understand English    rofl

fatherfig1> sorry for the delay on the tourn hope you got a laugh :) it is a true story much to my chagrin

AlpineGlow> We wish to thank the PLAYERS who make this tourney so much FUN!!!


Pages created by +GreyClouds