Photo used with permission from Grace Chiu at Gymnastics Canada Gymnastique |
Hristkieva (9.6); Layout Yurchenko (9.2)
Hecht vault to HB, back uprise to handstand, giant-higgins-healy, piked Jaeger, kip cast to handstand, Hindorff, kip cast to handstand, front giant full-Pak salto, glide kip cast to handstand, ½ turn, glide kip cast to handstand, sole circle - jump to HB, kip cast to handstand, giant, giant, double layout. 10.0 SV
Press to handstand mount, split jump-chen, wolf jump-jump 3/4 turn to front support and back hip circle, full turn, front handspring-punch front, side-ways backhandspring-furnon(jump to front support), RO-2½ twist dismount. 10.0 SV
RO-FF-Arabian double front, RO-FF-2½ twist-punch front, Triple turn-Shushunova, Full twisting tuck jump-Popa-full twisting Shushunova, RO-FF-Triple full. 10.0 SV