'Sacred Geometry', and the design of monuments and cities...

map.gif (38397 bytes) Click image for Washington DC !!! enlargement

Here is a Megalithic site in England you can find lots more of these on the "Stone Circle Webring"

anund_2.jpg (26040 bytes) geometri.gif (4679 bytes) bild2_4.gif (3122 bytes) 3,000 B.C.

This one appears quite dainty, compared to some of the Monoliths structures scattered around Europe, for your enjoyment, here is the more classical style you may be used to.

This is a Dolman, in Brittany, England. Visit this site for more "Megalithic sites" across the world.
dolmen.jpg (10303 bytes)

11a.jpg (15070 bytes)12a.jpg (11855 bytes)15a.jpg (11088 bytes) These are from Ireland
indi3.jpg (12291 bytes) <This one is from Indiagaumes.jpg (19282 bytes)<This one is from Spain

porta.jpg (11632 bytes)< This one is from Portugalgambia2.jpg (25715 bytes)<This one is from Ethiopia


So what was the rest of the world doing?.......

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