<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/gypsyraenbo/HAROLD_MELVIN_BLUENOTES__IfYouDontKnowMeByNow.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
A Promise of Love

Can it really be you?
I thought you have entered the other side
The light of eternity
You must know how much I miss you
You have come to bring me encouragement
You just know when Im about to give up
Wow... what can I say
Im so in awe by the mystery of all this
How I long to touch you
To feel you once again.
Ah what the heavens has done to make me believe
That a true love can last from a Promise
Why...  do you know what destiny has for me
Is it really worth staying without you
Will all this pain & sorrow release me
Will I be able to find you again in someone else
To have that fulfilling completeness once more
For you, I will continue.. just show me the way
Show me that door that I must open
To reach for my soul again
To love, & to be loved by you, Forevermore

                                      J. Aweau 2002 (c)