Bitmap Shape Window: Define the shape of a window by a bitmap image.
Buttons: Flat button style, rise when mouse hover the button. You can create buttons at run time.
DragDrop: Support DragDrop at runtime for LabVIEW windows. Notify you whenever a file is dropped, where it dropped, and which file is dropped.
DragObject: Let you drag LabVIEW object around at runtime.
File Time: Get/Set file creation, modification, and/or access time.
Hide SysCtrls: Hide system controls: taskbar, start button, and desktop icons.
HotKey: A Hot Key is a set of unique key combinations. When pressed, the specified window will be notified by an occurance, regardless which window is active as long as the thread are same.
Mouse & Keyboard Events: Mouse move, hover & leave (a window), clicks events (occurrence) and key press events.
Pie Chart: Display a 3D pie chart on the specified window. Support auto-redraw.
Polar: Display a polar coordinate plot on the specified window. Support auto-redraw.
Redraw Event: Window redraw event (occurrence).
SemiTransparent String: Display a string with semi-transparent background on the specified window.
SemiTransparent Window: Make the specified window semi-transparent, so that everything hidden behind the window will reveal.
Send Keys: Simulate key press (including special keys, such as F1, Ctl-s,etc.).
Send String: Send a string to the specified window, as if they were inputted through keyboard.
Set Parent plus: Set a window to be a child window of another. Auto handling the child window position shift. No flickering.
Shortcut: Create a shortcut for the specified file in the specified directory.
Simulate Click: Simulate a mouse click at current cursor position.
SnapView: Capture a rectangular area anywhere on the screen, inside or outside front panel, and save it to a BMP, JPG, or PNG file. Support 16/32 bit color.
SysTray: Add an icon to the system tray. Support Occurrence and
SysTray II: Replace window minimize feature with SysTray feature, so that when "minimize", window goes to System Tray instead of Taskbar. Support multiple icons.
Tooltips: Create tooltips, option of multiple/single line style, custom text and background colors.
TimeZones: Get/set current time zone, get all valid time zones.
Vertical Text: Create vertical text on the specified window at runtime. Support auto-redraw.
Virtual Titlebar: Creates an elliptic area on the specified window, which acts as titlebar - you can hold it to move the window.
See User's Menual for more detail