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The following cliparts have been collected from other free sites and have no copyrights that we know of. If you see one that does not belong here, please let us know so we can delete it.

To download an image, place your pointer on the image and click right mouse button. From the dialog box, select "Save Image As...". Save the image with the file name and in the directory of your choice.

Do not link graphics directly from your page to this Archive. It will slow down the loading time of your page and the linked graphic is lost, when the directory name changes.

From PurKat Solutions Clipart Gallery, a small but very nice collection that is constantly growing. Strongly recommended.

cat clipart
Busy, Busy Cat

cat clipart cat clipart cat clipart cat clipart cat clipart
Tiger Yummie Cute Itchy Cat and Bug

From Talstar , a medium sized collection, very simple format but with the nice addition of telling you the size of each anamated graphic. There are a fair number of faces you'll recognize at this site.

cat clipart cat clipart cat clipart cat clipart
Bye-Bye Running Green Eyes Peek-A-Boo
cat clipart cat clipart cat clipart
Dancing Wash Day Sailing, Sailing...

These graphics are from various, non-cat related graphics and clipart sites.

cat clipart
Two Redhaired Beauties Cougar (by H. Edgar Hix)