This page is anti-imperialist, anti-U.S, anti-Saddam, and pro-Iraqi people, who have suffered for the last decade from a fanatical dictator, and the genocidal U.S. government.
For the last decade the U.S and its allies have fought an inhuman war against the people of Iraq. From the Gulf War waged on the Iraqi people by former U.S. president George Bush Sr. to repeated airstrikes from former U.S. president Bill Clinton, to another upcoming Gulf War where many more Iraqis will be slaughtered by the USA, and its allies.

On August of 1990 Iraq invaded Kuwait, and the U.S started to build up its troops in the area after Saudi Arabia(a pro-western regime) asked the USA for help on the situation. George Bush Sr. said that he was doing this all in the name of "democracy", and "protecting the freedom" of the people in the region. The U.S.A's intention was in reality only to control the oil supply in the Persian Gulf where over 2/3 of the world's oil supply comes from. On January 16, 1991 the U.S. launched "Operation Desert Storm" against Iraq. According to George Bush Sr. this operation was to force Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait, and to "free" the people of both nations from Saddam Hussein. How can they fight for the freedom of a people, when they slaughter them? For the next 42 days 90,000 tons of bombs were dropped on Iraq, until Saddam Hussein finally withdrew his forces from Kuwait. The 42 day U.S operation murdered over 200,000 Iraqis(mostly civilians). But according to U.S reports only 13,000 were killed. The U.S government called "Operation Desert Storm" a victory. But victory against whom? Saddam Hussein remains in power. Saddam Hussein is a fanatic who has oppressed, and murdered many Iraqi-Kurds. He has also kept the Iraqi working-class people suffering. The people of Iraq must bring down Saddam Hussein, and be rid their country from U.S oppression.

For the next decade Iraq would suffer from economic sanctions put on by the United States, and its allies. With these sanctions the United States has banned many goods from being imported to Iraq, such as medicine. By 1997 over 1.2 million Iraqis died because of medical shortages. 750,000 of the 1.2 million were children under 5 years of age. Many babies in Iraq have been born underweight since the Gulf War. The United States have also controlled Iraqi airspace in northern, and southern Iraq by declaring them "no-fly zones." These areas are forbidden for Iraqi planes to fly in(both military and civilian). Iraqi planes that fly in these areas are ruthlessly shot down.

These imhuman crimes in Iraq have been committed by both the Republicans, and the Democrats. Both parties say that all the Iraqi people that have died was worth saving a few pennies on gasoline. During the Clinton years Iraq suffered repeated airstrikes, which were almost never mentioned in the western media. Over a period of time from 1998-1999 over 300 Iraqis were killed from U.S, and British airstrikes. These U.S imperialists have made numerous accusations without a shread of evidence that Iraq is "spreading weapons of mass destruction".  Today the United States has built more weapons of mass destruction than any other nation, and can use them at anytime. Obviously this is one of the many lies the United States has told the world only to justify its ruthlessnes against Iraq. U.N inspectors have confirmed that Iraq's chemical, and nuclear weapons have been dismantled, and have found no such evidence of biological weapons.

From December 16-19 in 1998 Bill Clinton, and his lapdog Tony Blair launched "Operation Desert Fox"(the Nazi Feldmarschal Erwin Rommel was known as the "Desert Fox") which was a 70 hour aerial bombardment of the Iraqi people.  Over 100 Iraqis were killed. This was just another one of many strikes to quell the Iraqi people's resistance to the U.S "New World Order." This "New World Order" was started with the bloodshed of the Iraqi people, and with the Soviet Union gone, the United States has named itself the global cop. Their goal is to attack any nation that opposes their evil "New World Order", and replace that nation with a lapdog leader in order for the USA to control that nation. The message is clear: "The USSR is gone, now nobody will come to your aid. Do what we say or watch your people suffer."

After the September 11th terrorist attacks, George Bush Jr has labled Iraq, along with Iran, North Korea, and Cuba as the "Axis of Evil". He has made accusations without any evidence that Iraq is connected to Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaeda terrorist network. Today George Bush Jr. wants another war with Iraq in order to "bring down" Saddam Hussein, and "free" Iraq. Bush Jr. wants only to replace Iraq with a puppet government, which would give the USA control of Iraq's oil fields at free will, and the whole of Iraq to be under US control. George Bush Jr. is willing to slaughter as many Iraqis as possible in order to achieve full control over Iraq, just like his father. George Bush Jr's war against Iraq is part of the so-called "War on Terrorism." He uses the excuse of the September 11th terrorist attacks only to wage war on Iraq, and other nations opposed to the "New World Order" accusing them of being connected with al-Qaeda, and playing a role in the September 11th attacks.

U.S bringing down Saddam Hussein, and "freeing" Iraq.
The handy work of the Democratic Party.
Victims of U.S bombs from the Bahzani Village of Iraq on 8/23/99
Children injured by U.S airstrikes on the Baasheqa Village of Iraq on 4/30/99
This is where Iraqi children get their education. Effects from U.S sanctions
U.S. cruise missle hit the al-Rashid hotel in Baghdad, Iraq from "Operation Desert Fox" in December of 1998
Iraqi mother watches her child suffer from U.S sanctions
Operation: "Iraqi Freedom"
On Wednesday morning March 19, 2003 the people of Iraq were attacked by the imperialist armies of the United States and Great Britain. The excuse used by George Bush Jr, Tony Blair, Jose Maria Aznar, and the Bush administration is of course "fighting terrorism", along with accusing Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, and has links to Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda terrorist network. Baby Bush also claims that his attack on Iraq is to topple Saddam Hussein due to his oppression of the Iraqi people, and Iraqi-Kurds. But actions speak louder than words.

As the US Army invaded and brutally bombed Iraq, their first task to accomplish was to take the oil fields in Iraq. As the US and British armies take the oil fields, Iraq's cheap oil then becomes available to America's corporations, thus pennies are saved per gallon of gasoline. Baby Bush has never supplied one shred of evidence that Iraq is connected with al-Qaeda, or has weapons of mass destruction. Hence the September 11th attacks have become the excuses for the United States to attack, and destroy a nation such as Iraq who desires to live their lives by their own terms without the USA controling them. The USA doesn't care for the way Saddam Hussein treated the Iraqi people. They wanted to get rid of Saddam Hussein to serve their own interests of profiting from the Iraqi people. The US "restoring order" in Iraq is to place Iraqi puppets in control of Iraq so that the American, and British capitalists can build their oil and gas corporations in Iraq such as Cheveron, Texaco, Shell, and Gulf. When this is done, Iraqi people will work for these companies as cheap labor while the American and Iraqi upper-class puppets make money off of the Iraqi working-class labor, save money on oil and gas, while the working-class recieves a few cents a day and continues to live in poverty. This is the reason for the US attack on Iraq. This is how the USA views a "free country".

For all this to become reality the US had to invade Iraq and bomb Iraqi civilians. The US and British forces launched cruise and tomohawk missiles from the Persian Gulf, along with massive airstrikes over Baghdad, and the rest of Iraq. As the US and British ground forces moved through Iraq shelling villages, schools, hospitals, homes, and shooting civilians; the Iraqi forces and guerillas showed as much resistance as they could. But within a matter of weeks Baghdad would fall to the imperialist armies, toppling the ruthless Ba'ath regime of Saddam Hussein, leaving the US occupation in control of Iraq. Even after the US take over of Baghdad still no weapons of mass destruction were ever found. No chemical weapons, no biological weapons, no nuclear weapons, nothing was found to confirm Bush's accusations. Due to this thousands of Iraqi men, women, and children have been killed by US bombs, and soldiers.

Saddam Hussein and his Ba'ath regime needed to be brought down. This should have been done by an Iraqi people's revolution, and not by the imperialist armies of the west who only want to profit from Iraq's natural resourses. Many Americans being brainwashed as they are supported this US imperialist attack on Iraq. Many of them believe this US attack was the only way to bring down Saddam Hussein, others believe that Iraq is a threat to the USA because the believe whatever the capitalist media says. Both groups believe that Bush is fighting for America's freedom. But how can the USA fight for the freedom of America's people, when he slaughtered thousands of Iraqi civilians in a three week period? The Iraqi people could have probably made a revolution against Hussein's Ba'ath party, had it not been for the twelve years of US economic sanctions against Iraq. Along with Hussein's oppression, the Iraqi people were incapable of a revolution. The US sanctions were in fact collaboration with Saddam Hussein. As the US sanctions against the Iraqi people resulted in starvation, shortages on medicine and medical supplies, restrictions on books, proper education, proper buildings, and proper homes. According to the media the sanctions were to bring down Hussein, and that the poverty was due to Saddam Hussein's rule. Even with the sanctions against Iraq, Saddam Hussein continued to eat three meals a day, sleep in a warm bed, have all the medicine he needed, and live in luxury while the Iraqi people suffered from the US sanctions.

If Saddam Hussein truely did have weapons for mass destruction, how did he obtain them? During Iraq's war with Iran in the 1980's, the United States actively supported Saddam Hussein against the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. The US was said to have supplied Iraq with certain chemical, and biological weapons which was used against Iranian troops. The USA creates fanatics whom have their people suffering, and then once that fanatic becomes useless to the USA; they bomb that country, thus creating more suffering for those people just as they've done with this new war against Iraq.

In order to demonize Iraq, the USA has expressed bogus tears to the manner in which the Iraqi-Kurds were gassed and slaughtered by the Baathist Regime of Saddam Hussein. Turkey, a US ally and member of NATO denies Turkish-Kurds the right to speak their own language, and the right for Kurds to make the history of Kurdistan open to the public. The Turkish authorities have massacred Kurdish villages, killing men, women, and children. However, Turkey is an ally of the US so they ignore the slaughter of Kurds by the Turks and feed to the public what the bourgeios human rights groups say "situations are improving". The USA never prosecutes members of the Turkish high command.

Even now with Saddam Hussein out of the picture the Iraqi people still continue to struggle against US occupation of their country, and turning up nothing of the weapons of mass destruction which in fact never existed. Despite the video that was released of Osama Bin Laden denouncing Saddam Hussein the USA insists Iraq is linked to al-Qaeda. The Iraqi people still seek to be independent of the Baathist and the US imperialists. Recently there have been mass demonstrations against the USA made up of a rare unity between Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims of Iraq. The USA is trying to quell such protests for it could be the first step for a revolution in Iraq for the people to determine their own future without the Ba'ath party or a US puppet state. US troops have fired at these demonstrations, killing protesters. The US intends to install a "democratic" puppet Iraqi regime. What country will be bombed next? Syria? North Korea? Libya? Cuba? Somalia? Yemen? Iran? Sudan?
Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with his friend Saddam Hussein in 1983.
Pictures of Operation: Iraqi Freedom
The achievements of the Republican Party.
On December 13, 2003 Saddam Hussein was captured by US forces on the outskirts of his home town of Tikrit, Iraq with a side arm along with $750,000 in American currency after being on the run for over nine months. This is a capture that will give Baby Bush reasons to gloat, and help him in the presidential elections of 2004. Hussein is said to be awaiting trial on the charges of crimes against humanity, possesion of weapons of mass destruction, and corruption. Hussein's only real crime to why he was labled an international villian was refusal to submit Iraq to the plundering of its natural resources(mainly oil) by the US and British imperialists. Western leaders even cried crocodile tears for Saddam Hussein's use of chemical weapons against Iranian forces in the 1980's when the United States gave him those weapons for that purpose, when Hussein was a "freedom fighter" during the Iran-Iraq war. At the present time the USA is working to create a puppet "democratic" regime in Iraq, which will profit only Washington and its allies, and not the Iraqi people. Even now with Saddam Hussein in US custody anti-US Iraqi resistance still fights to liberate Iraq from US occupation. It was percieved that Hussein was leading the resistance against the imperialists, but it is now confirmed that these resistance fighters are loyal not to Hussein, but to Iraq. Many of them desired to see the fall of Hussein, but do not want US telling Iraqis how to live and taking their oil. It is for this reason why Iraqis attack US forces, and will continue to attack the imperialists, until they withdraw from the region, and allow these people to live as they please. One would think after Hussein's capture that the US would now leave Iraq, but they now claim they will continue to hunt down Hussein's deputies. It is a clear picture now that the only way for the US imperialists withdraw is to suffer a military defeat at the hands of the Iraqi resistance. Only then will the Iraqi people have their right to self-determination.
Capture of Saddam Hussein
Saddam Hussein in US custody