This page is about the attrocities of September 11. I will also say how the U.S.A got mixed up with the psycotic Osama Bin Laden. Many may wonder why I made this page. I made it because I don't think murdering American civilians is any way to fight the US government. I want to make it clear that I'm not against American people, I'm against the U.S government. My condolences goes out to the families, and friends of all those murdered on September 11.
On September 11, 2001 Islamic terrorists hijacked four American planes. Two of those planes crashed into the world trade center twin towers, bringing them both to the ground. The third plane crashed into the Pentagon, and the fourth plane crashed outside of Pensylvania. Over 3,000 lost their lives, many of which were workers. Except for a small portion, the majority of the victims had no part in the U.S government what so ever. The main suspect was a native of Saudi Arabia named Osama Bin Laden. Osama Bin Laden had threatened to bring down U.S interests for the USA's friendship with Israel three weeks earlier. After the incident, Osama Bin Laden insisted that he had nothing to do with these attacks, and said it was a "Punishment from Allah." Then what was the crime of all those people who died, being American? Many don't seem to understand that American people are not responsible for all the Imperialist activities that the U.S government has done to others.

The F.B.I found the identities of the hijackers, and they were linked to Osama Bin Laden's terrorist group called "Al-Qaeda." Bin Laden had stated a few years back that "it is the duty of every Muslim to kill Americans; military or civilian." Osama Bin Laden's organization over the years had made numerous attacks against U.S military targets in the Middle East. In 1993 he attemted to destroy the world trade center with a car bomb in the basement. It was intended to send the first building falling on the second building, and destroying the world trade center. Osama Bin Laden failed, but succeeded in killing 6 people, and injuring a thousand more. But his second attempt was a success. But how did the U.S government get mixed up with Osama Bin Laden, and his al-Qaeda organization?

THE AFGHANISTAN WAR: Roots of the Jihad against America

On Christmas Eve of 1979 the Soviet Union entered Afghanistan. Their Afghan comrades were under threat from the Muslim reactionary rebels. Naturally  former US president Jimmy Carter condemned the Soviet intervention. "This is a callous violation of International Law, and the United Nations charter. It is a deliberate effort of a powerful Atheistic government to subjugate an independent Islamic people," as Jimmy Carter said. There's a lot of hypocrisy in that. The USA invaded many countries to spread Imperialism it was called "freedom fighting." The USSR intervened in one country to help their comrades it was "a violation of International Law." When the Soviets entered Afghanistan, they were met by anti-Communist Islamic reactionaries called The Mujahideen (holy warriors). For the Afghan rebels this was a Jihad (holy war) against the Russians, and Afghan Communists. The Mujahideen were of course mostly Afghans. But there were also tens of thousands of foreign Muslim radicals from the Middle East, North Africa, East Africa, Central Asia, Far East, and many other places around the world who joined the Mujahideen. They went to Pakistan to get arms, and then crossed the border into Afghanistan to join the anti-Soviet Jihad. One of the first ones to arrive in Afghanistan in 1980 was the 22-year old Saudi born Osama Bin Laden. Osama Bin Laden came from one of the richest families in Saudi Arabia. During the war against the Soviets, Osama Bin Laden was a very respected Mujahideen commander. The Islamic reactionaries saw him as true hero to the Jihad, because he was from a very rich family in Saudi Arabia, that gave his time, and put a lot of money to fight the Russians.

The USA came to praise Osama Bin Laden, and the Afghan Mujahideen a great deal due to their war against Communism. In the eyes of the USA, at that time the Afghan rebels, and Osama Bin Laden were "Freedom Fighters." The Americans put millions of dollars into the Jihad of the Afghan rebels. The Americans also supplied many weapons to the Mujahideen. They were supplied with Soviet made weapons such as the RPG-7, AK's, and the heavy Soviet-made machine guns. The Mujahedeen however had no air defenses, until 1986. In 1986 the Americans gave the Afghan Mujahideen a shoulder held heat-seeking missle called "The Stinger." This anti-aircraft weapon was American made, and was very successful at destroying Soviet aircraft.

In 1989 The Russians withdrew their forces from Afghanistan. This war ended up being known a Vietnam for the Russians. 15,000 Russians were killed, and 2 million Afghans were killed in this war. Afghanistan was completely bombed, and destroyed.


After the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan, the U.S walked away from Afghanistan saying that it was now Pakistan's, and Saudi Arabia's problem. This left the Mujahideen feeling used, and betrayed. USA had turned its back on its own Jihad. There was also the fact that the Afghan Mujahideen went to other nations such as Egypt, Somalia, Kashmir, Palestine, Phillipines, etc. to fight a Jihad. The Americans did not want them in these nations. The Mujahideen went from being "Freedom Fighters" to "Terrorists".  Osama Bin Laden like many others was very angry at the USA for turning their backs on Afghanistan. Throughout the 1980's Iraq had been at war with Iran. The USA supported Iraq in this war, but when Iraq invaded Kuwait; Saudi Arabia turned to the West for help. At the end of the Gulf War U.S forces had driven Iraqi forces out of Kuwait. However, to this day there are still U.S. forces in Iraq, Saudi Arabia(the land of some of the most holiest places to Islam, including Mecca--the birthplace of the Prophet Mohammed), and all over the Persian Gulf. Osama Bin Laden was repulsed to learn that the Saudis let the U.S occupy sacred Muslim soil. After that he declared the United States as an enemy of Islam, and started his Jihad against America. Osama Bin Laden who was once a friend of the USA, is now America's most feared, and wanted terrorist. He knows America's moves, mentality, and methods. After all he was trained, armed, and financially assisted by the Americans. Osama Bin Laden used his knowledge of the United States in order to make his terrorist attacks against the USA. Since his Jihad started, Osama Bin Laden was always ahead of the United States. So far every attempt to capture, or kill him have failed. Other than training from the CIA, could there be other reasons why Osama Bin Laden has not been captured? And why the U.S government failed to uncover these terrorist attacks on innocent Americans?

YUGOSLAVIA: U.S, and NATO work with Al-Qaeda Terrorists

U.S, and NATO also worked with Al-Qaida, and Osama Bin Laden in Yugoslavia. In the Bosnian War from 1992-1995 the U.S supported the terrorist Bosnian Army (Mujahideen) led by former Bosnian leader Alija Izetbegovic against the Nationalist Bosnian-Serb Army (Chetniks) led by former Bosnian-Serb leader Radovan Karadzic, and Ratko Mladic, who is the former Commander for the Bosnian-Serb Army. Osama Bin Laden sent members of his Al-Qaeda network to join the Bosnian Mujahideen in their fight against the Bosnian Chetniks. By joining their Bosnian brothers Osama Bin Laden's men also worked closely and recieved support from NATO.

In the Kosovo War from 1997-1999 U.S, and NATO supported another Islamic Terrorist group called the KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army) in Kosovo, Serbia; when they started their war against the Serbians. This group is made of Ethnic Albanian Islamists. But this time the Mujahideen weren't fighting Chetniks (Serbian Nationalists), they were fighting The Yugoslav People's Army(Serbian Socialists) led by former Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic which NATO was supporting the terrorists to fight against. Just like in the Bosnian War Osama Bin Laden sent his Al-Qaeda fighters to join the ranks of the Albanian KLA in the Jihad against the Serbian Socialists. Like in Bosnia NATO supported the KLA; along with members of the Al-Qaida network, andworked very closely with them. But in this war, NATO also used their bombs to aid the terrorists, against the Serbians.


Osama Bin Laden has murdered thousands of American people at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. This is Jihad. To murder people in the name of Islam. Presently there have been cases of Anthrax. This Anthrax is man made, and is being spread through the mail after a white powder substance is inhaled. This is another one of Osama Bin Laden's terrorist attacks on innocent Americans. He must be stopped before anymore civilians are killed. The USA, and UK are bombing Afghanistan now. America's war on Terrorism is merely a war on a regime called the Taliban. The Taliban is a creation of the United States, as is the strength of Osama Bin Laden. The put the American people in this mess. It should also be considered that the US government was probably behind these attacks.

If this whole crisis turns into a war between the Americans, and the Taliban; this may well be a second Vietnam. Osama Bin Laden wants a war between Afghanistan and the United States. Then his Jihad can take a step higher, and more people can die. A war is not the answer. It will just increase futher loss of life, and Osama Bin Laden will have better reasons to murder Americans. Next time he may do something worse than the September 11th attack.

Americans cannot go on with this mentality that nobody can touch the United States of America. On September 11, 2001; Osama Bin Laden's terrorist group took the lives of over 3,000 American people in New York City, and Washington D.C. The mentality that nobody will ever attack America must end!