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Welcome to Harry Potter Central! The next best thing to enrolling in Hogwart's. 07/02/03 - I am currently working with a couple of fans who attended the Nimbus 2003 Symposium. They are in the process of writing articles of their experiences. I will be giving more information on when and where these articles will be posted on the site, so please check back for updates. Thank you. 06/30/03 - I will be adding information from OOTP during July and August. Please be warned that any information may contain spoilers for the book and you may want to avoid these pages until you have finished. 06/13/03 - I transcribed an audio sample from OOTP. It does contain spoilers, so do not look at it if you do not want to know what happens in the fifth book. However, if you do, you can read it on the Book News page or listen to it by clicking the link at the end of the article. 06/12/03 - I've made a few adjustments to the "look" of the site, mostly the right side of it. I have also added a new Poll. Also, I have added the rest of the information to the "Books" pages. They now contain ALL the information from the first four HP books. If you notice that something is missing or incorrect please Email Me or fill out the form on the House Points Page. Thanks, and enjoy the site! 06/04/03 - I have removed most of the individual actor pages, due to inactivity. There is now a link at the bottom of the page that will take you to the International Movie Database, it pretty much has all the same info as the pages had. 05/17/03 - The Quick-Quotes Quiz is now availible on the Quiz - Quotes page, curtosy of our Quiz Manager. Enjoy! 05/16/03 - I've moved the Mugglenet's Topsites link to the right navigational bar so you can now vote for us from which ever page your on. I've also, added this site to the Harry Potter Top Sites. You can vote for us there, as well. 05/02/03 - I have once again added more information to the books pages. You will find more magical creatures, magic, etc. 04/30/03 - I have converted the "Quizzes" section into a Fun and Games section. Now, in addition to quizzes, it will include various HP games. Check them out they're lots of fun! 04/24/03 - I've updated the Sorting Hat. It will now automatically sort students into their houses. No more waiting for a reply via email. Yay! 04/24/03 - I have also, added a little spunk to the left navigational bar. It will highlight a link when your mouse passes over it. 04/24/03 - And as you have probably already noticed I have added a countdown clock for the OOTP release. |