Me and My Friends - One of the birds in our Aviary.
Judy Leach's Parrot Babies - Educational web site offered by breeder
specializing in macaws, cockatoos, and african greys.
Maya Pets Exotic Birds - Lovebird Breeder in Florida
We're Parrots Too - Dedicated to providing accurate, current information about cockatiels, budgies, lovebirds
Hookbill Haven Aviary - An Aviary with over 20 years of experience in breeding and hand feeding exotic birds
Joan's Exotic Birds - A Breeder with Macaws, Cockatoos, Conures, Cockatiels, Lovebirds. Handfed beautiful babies
Parrot Parrot - Dedicated to the smaller parrots such as lovebirds and budgies, but loads of information on all parrots and birds
The Rockport Roost Toy Factory
Pet Parrots - A comprehensive guide on all species of parrots, how to take care of them and how to train parrots
Lovebird Ring
site is owned by Amanda Stoner
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