Hacialinin websitesi


1- Introduction

Hacı Ali özhan

legal problems to other things in Turkey with the increasing economic, social, political and personal relations between the Turks and the foreigners became too intensive. On the other hand the Turkish laws are neither tidy and combined nor developed into foreign things in the Turkish legal order. Besides lack of the specialists and language problems herscht in Turkey many bureaucratic handicaps. The working load of the courts increases each day. Like that it would be still heavier, the possible legal questions of the foreigners, who are e.g. as tourist, Betiriebsinhaber or financial sources in Turkey to solve.

the rights for the Turkish citizens, designated in the Turkish setting, are applicable usually also for the foreigners. On the other hand are limited or recognition in some areas for rights designated for the foreigners. In the civil law e.g. family right, law of contract, commercial law and person right there is very few differentiation (difference) between the Turks and however in the public right such as e.g. constitutional law, administrative law, industrial law and criminal law it gives Diefferenzierung to foreigners.

this book is published xxxx, the foreigners, who possibly have in Turkey the personal or business relations, over the Turkish juridical system, the laws to other things and actual legal questions, which often come to the discussion, something to inform.

Hacı Ali Özhan
Not:German-Deustch:PRAKTİSCHER HANDBUCH FÜR DİE AUSLÄNDER ....Ausläderrecht- 1.Einführng 2.allgemeiner Blick auf das türkischen Rechtssystem 3.Burgerrecht 4.Das Klagerecht und die an der Klage zu leistende Sicherung des Ausländers 5.Die Anerkennung der gerichtlichen und schiedsrichterlichen Entscheidungen 6.PERSONENRECHT 7.Yabancının taşınmaz edinmesi 8.Dernek, Sendika ve Sosyal güvenlik 9.ERZIEHUNGSRECHT 10.HANDELSRECHT 11.Joint Venture Vertrag 12-Europavertrag und individuelles Antragsrecht 13-Die Eheschliessung, das Verlöbnis, Die Abstammung 14-Ehescheidung, Die elterliche Sorge, Unterhaltspflicht, Schadenersatz 15-Strafrecht

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