Hacialinin websitesi


Hacı Ali özhan


a) The foreign natural persons know Indian Turkey under the legally designated **time-out** prerequisite after that legal and contractual designate Prinzipen as well as after the principle over the actual Gegenseitigkeiten property acquire. The principle over the actual mutuality was removed in the years 1984 and 1986 for some states, however the constitutional court resolved this modification. The foreigners cannot acquire a property according to the article 87 of the village law within the village boundary. However the foreigners cannot acquire a property after the law over the military forbidden areas. According to the article 36 of the land register law the foreigners Faerme, which are not in the village, can do the particular, and which properties, whose Quadradmeter is more than 30 hectares, on official permission acquire. The legal entities can usually acquire no property. However it was designated by the article 17 of the law from the 1994 that also the legal entities can acquire property in accordance with this law.

b) Although the Turkish civil law book is based on the schweiserischen right, the Turkish regulations do not have over legal inheriting a difference with the relevant regulations, which are defined in the articles 1922-1936 of the German civil law book. Legal inheriting and their portions are alike in both juridical system. With the legal inheritance over the mobile things it gives no difference between citizens and foreigners, but over the legal inheritance concerning the Inmobilien there are differences. It is clear that the foreigners can acquire properties also as an inheritance, if they can acquire properties in normal way. However the foreigners in the forbidden areas can, into whom villages and also the particular Faerme, which is not in the village, inherits and which properties, whose Quadradmeter is more than 30 hectares. According to the official decree from the 1989 they are to liquidate these properties after the entry. The amount of liquidation can in accordance with the last modification over relevant regulation after foreign country transfer. Since the legal entities can usually acquire no property, they are to sell inherited properties by the liquidation.

Hacı Ali Özhan
Not:German-Deustch:PRAKTİSCHER HANDBUCH FÜR DİE AUSLÄNDER ....Ausläderrecht- 1.Einführng 2.allgemeiner Blick auf das türkischen Rechtssystem 3.Burgerrecht 4.Das Klagerecht und die an der Klage zu leistende Sicherung des Ausländers 5.Die Anerkennung der gerichtlichen und schiedsrichterlichen Entscheidungen 6.PERSONENRECHT 7.Yabancının taşınmaz edinmesi 8.Dernek, Sendika ve Sosyal güvenlik 9.ERZIEHUNGSRECHT 10.HANDELSRECHT 11.Joint Venture Vertrag 12-Europavertrag und individuelles Antragsrecht 13-Die Eheschliessung, das Verlöbnis, Die Abstammung 14-Ehescheidung, Die elterliche Sorge, Unterhaltspflicht, Schadenersatz 15-Strafrecht

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