Hacialinin websitesi


Hacı Ali özhan


A) the 7 Turkish or foreign persons, the 18. Lebensjahr it completed, has under the prerequisite that they do not contrary-run the laws, the right, without permit-eats union to form. With the formation of a union there are none for the foreigners separates limitation. The foreigners can join the association as founders or as a member. In this case it requires that the foreigners possess residence permit in Turkey. The union, whose purpose or activity is international, is forbidden. If the seat of the union abroad is not can a branch in Turkey be opened. The unions formed in Turkey cannot join the foreign or international unions. On the official permission can be active the unions without the observance of the interdictions legally designated. The international invitations of the unions require the permission of the Ministry. The unions cannot acquire ausschlieslich properties, which are necessary for their resident, purposes and occupations, a property. After in the year 1987 the entered into force law the sieved union, which are justified by the Turkish or foreign persons and are active for the internationally useful things, an international upper union or federation can form and in the Turk branches open.

B) over the reason of a trade union, a tariff agreement and a strike does not give it separates limitation for the foreigners. The work givers and work taker know the associations without permission (e.g.: Trade unions) form and to justified associations join. However the founders and the members are to be necessary organs ausschlieslich the members general assembly a Turkish national. The foreigners as delegates at the general assembly actively its however cannot be active with the executive committee and supervisory board. Also they can use the rights of the tariff agreement and the strike.

C) the social security of the foreigner is regulated in the Basic Law. After our Basic Law everyone has the right over social security. But if the foreigners operating at a foreign company in Turkey indicate their insurance of the Turkish authorities executed abroad, in Turkey are not insured.

In the year 1973 the concluded contract over the equal rights of the citizens and the foreigner in social insurance are in Turkey in strength.

Hacı Ali Özhan
Not:German-Deustch:PRAKTİSCHER HANDBUCH FÜR DİE AUSLÄNDER ....Ausläderrecht- 1.Einführng 2.allgemeiner Blick auf das türkischen Rechtssystem 3.Burgerrecht 4.Das Klagerecht und die an der Klage zu leistende Sicherung des Ausländers 5.Die Anerkennung der gerichtlichen und schiedsrichterlichen Entscheidungen 6.PERSONENRECHT 7.Yabancının taşınmaz edinmesi 8.Dernek, Sendika ve Sosyal güvenlik 9.ERZIEHUNGSRECHT 10.HANDELSRECHT 11.Joint Venture Vertrag 12-Europavertrag und individuelles Antragsrecht 13-Die Eheschliessung, das Verlöbnis, Die Abstammung 14-Ehescheidung, Die elterliche Sorge, Unterhaltspflicht, Schadenersatz 15-Strafrecht

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