The Beckoning Lady (1955)
My review:
Allingham obviously intended
this as a
light-hearted celebration, for the story is set in Pontisbright (scene
of Sweet Danger), involves the murder of Uncle
William Faraday, cameos by characters from The
Case of the Late Pig and a thinly disguised version of Allingham
and Youngman
Carter (whose alter ego is childish and rather unpleasant, given to
rages and wife-beating,
which everyone excuses because he’s so charming). Unfortunately
there’s very little in the book
itself to celebrate: the plot and detection are both thin, the income
tax laws
are too fantastic to be funny and the murderer’s identity is very weak. Oh how funny Miss Allingham thinks she is, how
bright and witty as she pokes fun at everyone who isn’t either
artistic or both!