N or M? (1941)
My review:
Christie's only book of the
period to
directly concern WWII is a thriller, in which N and M, Hitler's most
agents, direct Fifth Column activities from a seaside resort prior to
the invasion
of England, a trick they have played before.
(If so, how can they have been in Britain long
enough to establish themselves? And since
Haydock exposed Hahn in 1936, how could he have been on the continent?) Two spies require two detectives, to wit,
Tommy and Tuppence, Christie’s often
infuriatingly hearty duo, now thankfully subdued—Tommy is decent
rather stupid, and hence fitted to the action stuff, including being
knocked out
and kidnapped while Tuppence detects. The
plot is actually quite straightforward and sensible, with an increase
tension towards the end and a satisfyingly improbable surprise solution.
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