Michael Gilbert
Novels and story collections
- Close Quarters (1947)
- They Never Looked Inside (1947;
in America, He Didn't Mind Danger)
- The Doors Open (1949)
- Smallbone
Deceased (1950)
- Death
Deep Roots (1951)
- Death in Captivity
(1952; in America, The Danger Within)
- Fear to Tread (1953)
- Sky High
(1955; in
America, The Country-House Burglar)
- Be Shot for Sixpence
- Blood and Judgement (1959)
- After the Fine Weather (1960)
- The Crack in the Teacup (1966)
- The Dust and the Heat
(1967; in America, Overdrive)
- Game Without Rules
(1968; 12 stories)
- The Etruscan Net (1969;
in America, The Family Tomb)
- Stay of Execution (1971;
13 stories)
- The Body of a Girl (1972)
- The Ninety-second Tiger
- Amateur in Violence
(1973; 11 stories)
- Flash Point (1974)
- The Night of the Twelfth
- Petrella at Q (1977; 12
- The Empty House (1978)
- Death of a Favourite Girl
(1980; in America, The Killing of
Katie Steelstock)
- Mr. Calder and Mr. Behrens
(1982; 12 stories)
- The Final Throw (1982;
in America, End-Game)
- The Black Seraphim (1983)
- The Long Journey Home (1985)
- Trouble (1987)
- Young Petrella (1988;
16 stories)
- Paint, Gold and Blood (1989)
- Anything for a Quiet Life (1990)
- The Queen Against Karl Mullen (1991)
- Roller-Coaster (1993)
- Ring of Terror (1995)
- Into Battle (1997)
- The Man Who Hated Banks (1997)
- Over and Out (1998)
- The Curious Conspiracy (2002)
- A Nose in a Million
(October 1949; a.k.a. A Matter of
- Even Murderers Take Holidays
(October 1950)
- The Indifferent Shot
(October 1950)
- Drop Shot (November 1950)
- Death Duties (May 1951)
- The Brave Don't Talk
(December 1951)
- The Smiler (August 1952;
a.k.a. Bird of Passage and Bird of Prey)
- Death Money (October
- Mrs. Haslet's Gone
(December 1952; a.k.a. The Great
Tulip Mystery and Tulips Are
Such Greedy Feeders)
- Cumberland v. Cumberland (February
- Hangover (April 1953)
- Snuffy (April 1953)
- Twm Carney (September
1954; a.k.a. Three Times Loser)
- Trust Little Al (October
- Prize of Santenac (October
1955; a.k.a. The Santenac Treasure)
- Bird of Dawning
- What Happened at Castelbonato
(July / August 1956)
- One-tenth Man (October
- Safe! (1956)
- The Girl who Moved
(January 1957)
- No Place Like Home (August
- Counter-attack (December
- Deep and Crisp and Even
(January 1958)
- Amateur Detective (March
- The Great German Spy-hunt
(March 1958)
- Somebody (May 1958)
- Kendrew's Private War (April
1959; a.k.a. The Young Policeman)
- The White Slaves (June
- The Craven Case (June
- A Real Born Killer (October
1959; a.k.a. The Terror of Pardoe
- Villa Almirante
(December 1959)
- Old Mr. Martin (April
- The Facts of Life (May
- The Battle of Bank Street (July
1960; a.k.a. London Manhunt)
- When a Girl Moves Among
Diplomats (June 1964)
- Double-double (April
1967; a.k.a. The Terrorists)
- The Revenge of Martin Lucas
Field on Colonel Cristobal Ocampos (April 1968; a.k.a. The Cork in the Bottle)
- Basilio (1969; a.k.a. The Wrong Fox)
- It Never Pays To Be Too Clever
(April 1973)
- Camford Cottage (1980)
- Coronation Year (1980)
- Who Killed Carl Carver? (1981)
- A Very Special Relationship
- A Pity About the Girl
- The Two Footmen (1987)
- Good Old Monty (1991)
- The Man Who Was Reconstituted
- The Mathematics of Murder (1995)
- Tiger Country (1995)
- By the Pricking of My Thumbs
- The Lord of the Book (1997)
- Good Shepherd (1998)
- Rats' Castle (1998)
- The Message of the Stars (1999)
- Police Business (1999)
- A Problem in Ethics (1999)
- On a Dead Man's Chest
- The Klagenfurt Tote
the Michael Gilbert Page.
To the
Grandest Game in the World.