A.E.W. Mason Bibliography
Novels and story collections
- At the
Rose (1910; a.k.a. Murder
at the Villa Rose)
- The Four Corners of the World (1917;
12 stories and 1 play)
- The House
the Arrow (1924)
- No Other Tiger (1927)
- The Prisoner in the Opal (1928)
- The Sapphire (1933)
- They Wouldn't Be Chessmen (1935)
- The House in Lordship Lane (1946)
Uncollected stories
- The Clock (1910)
- The Affair at the Semiramis
Hotel (1917)
- The Sapphire (1927)
- The Ginger King (1940)
- The Secret Fear (1940)
the A.E.W. Mason Page.
To the
Grandest Game in the World.