Mike's Homeland -- Here Mike will share some of the heritage of his family, the culture of his island and show there is a little Chamorro in everything!
First some facts about the island  and the people of Guam:
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Map of Guam
The Island of Guam:

Guam is the largest of the Micronesian island, at 30 miles long and 9 miles at it's widest.  The entire island is about half the size of Hong Kong.  It has a population of about 150,000 people.

The Population of Guam:

About half of the population of Guam is native Chamorro.  The remaining population is comprised of people from other Micronesian islands, the Philippines, Korea, Japan, China and of course the United States.  The Native Chamorro's have a very rich heritage and culture and
language all their own.


Mike, and his family (17 all together!!) are Chamorro, native people of Guam.  The history of thier acient culture is dificult to assertain as so little was documented on the culture of these people.  Most modern Chamorro's have very stong family values.  Traditions are not lost on the children and the greatest respect is given to the elders of the communty.

More Information:

The following links will take you to some other great Chamorro sites!

Guam Facts

Gadao's Big Guam Page

The Official Guam U.S.A WebSite

Guam Visitors Bureau
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