PIC Desk Thermometer

By: Steve Hageman
This little project was put together one afternoon when I was bored. It shows how easy it is to program a PIC to do useful things using C as a language. The program took only an hour or so from start to finish.

The schematic is available in PDF format: Thermometer.pdf

Here is the code and project documentation:


//-----< THERMO.C >----------------------------------------------------

// This is a very simple application showing the use of a LM34 temp.

// sensor driving the 16C71's A/D. The simplicity of driving a multi-

// plexed display is shown. The code simply alternates between one

// digit and the next to give the illusion of a two digit display.


// The LM34 outputs 10 mV / Deg F, it is scaled by the OPAMP to be

// 1 LSB per Deg F (Gain = 2) at the input to the A/D. This gives

// one degree resolution. The maximum temperature readout is 99 deg

// F, which is good enough for where I live, but you may need to add

// a digit (ouch, that's hot!).


// The digital thermometer was built on copper clad PCB material and

// mounted to a craft store wood base. It is self powered by the use

// of a Radio Shack AC to 12 V transformer and a LM7805

// voltage regulator.


// The thermometer can be powered by any 5 volt source, even a wall

// wart.


// The code is written in CCS PIC-C (www.ccsinfo.com)



// By: S.C.Hageman - 16Jan96




// Version Control:

// V.0 - Release 0 - 16Jan96 - SCH




//-----< Includes >--------------------------------------------------

#include <pic16c71.h>

#include <picbasic.h>



//-----< PCM Use directives >----------------------------------------

#use delay(clock=4000000)



//-----< Port definitions >------------------------------------------

#pragma byte port_a = 5

#pragma byte port_b = 6



//-----< Pin definitions >-------------------------------------------

#pragma bit Ones_column = port_a.2

#pragma bit Tens_column = port_a.3



//-----< Program constants >-----------------------------------------

#define DOOMSDAY 0



//-----< Program global variables >----------------------------------

int Display_value;

int Counter;



//-----< Display routine >------------------------------------------

set_digit(int value)


// Set proper values for drivers

// A zero value on the bit turns the segment on, hence the 0xff code

// turns all segments off. Bit 7 of port B is not used.



case 0: port_b = 0x40; break;

case 1: port_b = 0x79; break;

case 2: port_b = 0x24; break;

case 3: port_b = 0x30; break;

case 4: port_b = 0x19; break;

case 5: port_b = 0x12; break;

case 6: port_b = 0x02; break;

case 7: port_b = 0x78; break;

case 8: port_b = 0x00; break;

case 9: port_b = 0x18; break;

default: port_b = 0xff;





//-----< Main Program >----------------------------------------------



// Set up the ports, clear them


// Port B to all outputs, then all off

movlw 0x00

tris port_b

clrf port_b


// Port A bits 0,1 to inputs, then the rest off

movlw 0x03

tris port_a

clrf port_a



// Power up delay of 1 second



// Initilize A/D





// Initilize global variables

Display_value = 88; // 88 acts as segment test at start

Counter = 0; // Set sample counter to zero


// Main display loop




// Sample temperature every 1 second

if(Counter >= 50)

{ // If here then it must be time to sample the sensor

// The 2 below is the offset value from the LM34 I used

Display_value = read_adc() - 2;

// Reset counter

Counter = 0;




// Increment counter




// Set ones column off

ones_column = OFF;


// Display tens value

set_digit(Display_value / 10);

tens_column = ON;


// Wait for multiplex time



// Set tens column off

tens_column = OFF;


// Display ones value

set_digit(Display_value % 10);

ones_column = ON;


// Wait for multiplex time



} // End of main while loop




//-----< Fini THERMO.C >---------------------------------------------


// Man this was an easy program to code.....SCH



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Modified - 7Jan01