Welcome to the Holy Land

1. Mount Hermon

2. The Jordan Valley

3. Sea of Galilee

4. Haifa

5. Tel Aviv - Yafo

Map  of  Israel

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6. Jerusalem

7. The Dead Sea

8. The Negev Desert

9. Eilat

Mt. Hermon

Mount Hermon is the source of the Jordan River.

Noted for its majestic beauty, the mountain has been the inspiration for much Hebrew poetry.

Mount Hermon

Between Lake Tiberias and the Dead Sea the Jordan Valley is about 105 km long. The river, its valley, and the two seas lie within the Great Rift Valley, a depression extending from Syria to Mozambique in southeastern Africa. The Jordan descends several thousand feet from its source to the Dead Sea.

The Jordan Valley

The  Jordan  Valley


    Lake Tiberias is best known for its association with the lives of Jesus Christ and his disciples. In the Bible the lake is referred to as the Sea of Galilee.

    Tiberias on the Sea of Galilee

Haifa, city and chief seaport of Israel. Haifa is the world center for the Bahai faith and is home to the Shrine of Bab and a Bahai temple.

Haifa. The Bahai Shrine

Haifa, the  Bahai  Shrine

Old  Yafo

Tel Aviv-Yafo, on the Mediterranean Sea. The city is divided into two districts, with historic Yafo. As a former Arabian town, Yafo is characterized by old structures and winding streets. The newer Tel Aviv has wide, tree-lined avenues and modern buildings.

Old Yafo


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