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Prophet Jonah sets out for Ninway




Numbers, Letters, Words

There are addressing on singular "thou" and plural "You". The last one, the

plural "You" only separates people, alienates each other, and does not promote

creation of their brotherhood.

Also signs of friendship and love are much better transferred

by using "you" - singular "thou", as it is accepted at Jews.


Hebrew people were created on a principle of friendship and love by using only

singular "thou" in an antiquity, but other people did not want to follow

such principle, so egocentrism amplified desire to use each other with,

a view of self-pleasure, oppression, destruction amplified in them.

And, certainly, the greatest hatred has aroused for those

who had chosen a way of friendship and love, for those who are called Hebrews.

Unfortunately, Jews have not resisted at a step of friendship and love, to a great extent, they have followed other peoples. This sin demands correction.


The Hebrew means "passe", passed from the harm of idolatry

(including worship of money, glory, power, reason - all that a modern person worships) to love of all mankind through the love of a neighbour's person.


We shall reach universal love.

And we shall take this world from a deep hole!


About myself


The Jonah's Prophecy


Spears and Shakespeare or Way out of Egypt


Avraham's Two Births


Abraham and astrology


God's Rule of Mouth

Lord's Mouth Rules



