

In memory of my father, Abraham, April 1913 - September 2008

In memory of my mother, Tsilah, 1918 - 2005

In memory of my teacher, Professor B.N. Eselson, 1917 - 1980

In memory of my friend, G.A.Mihajlov, 1943 - 2000



My name is Haim Alex Golub, in a Hebrew my surname sounds as a Jonah, Dove.

We, Golub are descendants of the prophet Jonah according to family tradition.

My grandfather's grandfather drafted into Nikolas's 1's imperial army.

There my ancestor was given the surname of Golub.

The prophet Jonah tried to evade the command of Lord to set out for Ninway to make a prophesy there.


I was born on 8 November, 1944, (on the 22-nd day in month Heshvan חשון).

The Gematria of the word חשון is 364, if we add these digits, we get the number 13. The number 13 means to be under badge of Love. See article "Numbers, Letters, and Words" about Gematria in this site.

And the "small" Gematria of a word חשון is 22.

- Love and 22 Jewish letters!

I hope that there is any connection between date of my birth and these deep concepts.



For many a long day in a youth when I promoted, as the physicist, the thinking pursued me that my way was incorrect, and I saw "moves",

that my way is smooth, but suddenly it flew up like an alarm rocket, scattering silver sparks into the sky.

There wasn't any interpretation of it for me, only sensation that it was necessary to write something down.


But then awful impacts fell upon my head.

My lucid mind first-born was lost because of a cancer in the age of 4,5.

And I was impacted by three operations on a head. But for any reason, I survive.


When right at the beginning 2001, when I was to undergo a third operation, I completely lost courage.

At that time well known cabbalist, Rabbi Michael Lajtman, broadcasted at the "Reka" radio program. "reka"

I called him through the radio, and he has supported me.

One year later I was examined, but it appeared, that the tumour has reached an inoperable place.

Then I was given radiation treatment, and I took an additional name Haim,

my grandfather's name, with Aaron Fradkin's help.


At the beginning 2003, I literally crawled to the group studying the Cabbala.

That was in Rehovot. There, I saw that I was full of nasty things.

Also logarithmic property of the Jewish letters has opened to me, and I wrote it down.


Then, on the Passover night in 2003, there was an improbable miracle with me,

The Voice spoke to me, that I have drunk from prophet Elijah's cup. This is strictly forbidden.

And I had been shocked, I inquired why it was necessary for it to be forbidden.

He replayed me.


At that time I understood, that my turn had come up and I have not tried to evade it.

I drunk from Elijah's cup, and my head was filled with an intolerable light,

and I begged the Creator to moderate this light down to a magnitude comprehensible to me.


Also it is important for me such a circumstance: I was born in 1944.

This date is remarkable in that it became the year 1948 of revival of the Jewish state, four years after my birth.

This date is remarkable in that 1948 in the Jewish calendar is the year of our forefather Abraham's birth.

This coincidence of both dates is not a chance, look on the article "Abraham's two births".  


And about what happened to me there is a story.




My name, Jonah, is in the table of a bible code, חיים יונה .

Near to "Prophet Elijah" and the name of

the well-known wise man, Elijahu Zalman, AGRA.

The genius of Vilna, AGRA, (1720 - 1797).

The genius on Vilnius.



I have allocated "Prophet Elijah" and my name jonah haim

with a green color. (see below)



To be a prophet is very hard,

because of the responsibility -

he is obliged to serve the Creator.

And this is very hard for me.



The difficult task is assigned to us, but we shall take this world from a deep hole!


We leave darkness towards light!!!


With a love multiplied by five  



