MENU : Dream Dictionary : Articles : Remembering Dreams : On-Line Book : Tips

ESSAYS on symbolism : The following essays have been written using a bank of correctly analysed dreams. Often we have conclusive proof that a dream links with a real life situation such as the night after you had an argument with your girlfriend or boyfriend. The following essays try to reduce each dreams meaning to a quote which helps you understand the real emotions that dreams refer to.
BABY : Babies in dreams can link to fresh new feelings and new circumstances
BABY-SIT : Baby-sitting in dreams can symbolise important responsibilities
BACKPACK : Backpacking can link to you having a wish to forge your own course
BACK STREET : Back streets can suggest that you are carrying on regardless of opinion
BASEBALL :Baseball can link to aggressive situations in your life
BASEMENTS : Basements symbolise your own negative feelings or those
BATHROOMS : Bathrooms symbolise moments when we get rid of bad feelings
BATTLES : Battles may symbolise overwhelming prejudice and opposition you are facing
BEACHES : Beaches can symbolise moments of emotional reflection and soul searching
BEARS : Bears can symbolise moodiness in dreams
BED : Beds symbolise issues which are very personal
BEES : Bees can symbolise any kind of stinging comment
BEER : Beer shows that we maybe taking a more relaxed attitude to something
BEST FRIEND : Best friends in dreams can link to an ideal situation you have in your mind
BIKE : Bikes in dreams can symbolise moments when you feel isolated
BILLBOARDS : Billboards can symbolise people who make outrageous claims which are not supported by the facts
BIRD : Birds can link to ideas and omens about the future
BLAME : Blame dreams may show that you are trying to pinpoint precisely the cause of something
BLANKET : Blankets can link to moments when we feel very upset
BLOOD : Blood in dreams symbolises pain and hurt feelings
BOATS : Boats in dreams symbolise how you maintain emotional balance
BOMBS : Bombs can link to major disagreements
BOOK SHOPS : Book shops often link to your own well thought out ideas on some topic
BOSS : Bosses in dreams may link to real issues regarding your job conditions
BREATHING : Breathing tends to symbolise how comfortable you feel right now.
BRIDGE : Bridges are moments linked to you reflecting on your emotions
BROTHERS : Brothers tend to link to moments when we want some help or support
BULL : Bulls are possibly symbols of male sexuality and aggression in its worst forms
BUNGALOW : Bungalows symbolise issues where you will have to respond to the facts on the ground
BUGS : Bugs can link to irritating personal problems
BURNT : Burning in dreams shows a deep sensitivity towards something
BUSES : Buses symbolise emotions that we feel with other people
BUTTERFLIES : Butterflies can link with transformations

Cleopatra Dream Dictionary B

BABBLE not making any sense
BABOON uncultured and stupid
BABY BOTTLE irregular sleep patterns - baby like behavior
BABY exciting ideas and circumstances newly born into your life - taking an opportunity enthusiastically
BABY making the home safe clean and secure
BABY protecting a vulnerable person from danger
BABY SHOWER celbrate new start
BABY SITTING protecting and safeguarding a personal project - protect your own ideas and beliefs
BABY SITTING protecting someone from trouble
BABY your clear goals - something which you have a personal responsibility for - being involved in some project
BABY your true deep down feelings
BABY your trust, belief, and hope in the future - purity of purpose
BABYSIT a need to protect someone who is vulnerable - someone who needs helping
BABYSIT a responsibility dumped on you
BACHELOR pointless relationships
BACK been taken back to some event
BACK DOOR changes in close family / opportunity to indulge secret hidden desires
BACK DOOR secretive fears
BACK PACK being independant - going your own way - engrossed in your own activities
BACK PACK the thought of living outside
BACK SEAT you are not in full control of your life - distractions - not focused and able to concentrate properly
BACK STAGE things which are not seen
BACK the meaning behind something
BACK the reverse side of something - how you would feel having the same thing done to you!
BACK watch your back /jealousy and resentment
BACK YARD unconscious signals that you try to conceal
BACKBONE focus on something - with great effort
BACKDROP the general background to some situation
BACKFLIP change direction / willingness to change and fit in
BACKSEAT you are not in full control of your life - distractions - not focused and able to concentrate properly
BACKSTAGE behind the scenes - what you secretly think
BACKWARD need to back off
BACKWARD not making any progress
BACKYARD hidden fears that you are talking about
BACKYARD introspective fears and worries
BACKYARD secret thoughts and desires
BACKYARD secretive thoughts
BACKYARD the hidden side of your personality
BACON earning a living
BACTERIA bad things which are too small to see
BAD not as good as an alternative
BAD not doing as is wished
BADGE a deep commitment
BADGE measure of your regard
BADGER pun= badgering people
BAG emotional baggage and responsibilities - the responsibilities that burden you
BAG past experiences that shaped your life and dominate your thinking
BAGEL food of mind - warm satisfying thoughts
BAGPIPE maybe lack of harmony
BAIL temporary help
BAILIFF integrity questioned
BAIT encouragement to think along certain lines
BAIT luring people to fulfill your desires
BAKERY place of success and achievement
BAKING creation and productive activty
BALCONY letting people know your deepest and most creative ideas
BALCONY spilling out your emotions to the world - making things obvious
BALD lack self esteem - a bit sad looking
BALL ability to
BALL total understanding
BALLERINA effortless movement
BALLET grace and harmony
BALLGOWN making a real effort to see the best in something
BALLOON drift away
BALLOON get off the ground
BALLOON hopes rising or descending
BALLOON hot air balloon = pun
BALLOON inflated opinion of self
BALLROOM intuitive energy and achievement
BANANAS mad and strange ideas
BANANAS sexual desires
BAND a need for cooperation
BAND cooperation and community togetherness
BAND experiencing a sense of harmoney with others
BANDAGE need to heal
BANDAGE protect and heal
BANDAGES cover over problems but don't solve them
BANJO good times
BANK someone or something you can rely on - acting in a way that has delivered success in the past
BANK this sounds like a really good idea!
BANKRUPT feeling of doubt
BANKRUPT lacking ideas and inspiration
BANKRUPT need to watch things closely
BANQUET overwhelmingly good experiences - almost too much
BANQUET wonderful prosperity of experiences / groups of people who you meet or plan to meet
BAPTISM new emotional outlook
BAPTISM renewal of faith
BAR a highly relaxed social situation your mind is pondering
BAR a real life situation you are thinking through
BAR a relaxed and laid back mood
BAR access to something is blocked
BAR MITZVAH transition to adulthood
BAR restrictions placed on you and the way you think
BAR social relationships / relax and chill out
BARBARIAN raw desires and feelings
BARBED WIRE restricting relationship
BARBED WIRE restrictions in circumstances
BARBIE conform to feminine stereotypes
BARBIE forcing people into stereotypes
BARBIE want an ideal almost make believe lifestyle
BARE a lack of activity and involvement
BAREFOOT a direction which is vulnerable and risky - dealing with sensitive issues
BAREFOOT acting instinctively
BAREFOOT what you really really want to do in life / a raw statement of your direction in life
BARGAIN thoughts you are undervalued
BARK brash leadership
BARK need to watch for danger
BARN stored memories
BARN treasured thoughts stored up from the past
BARREN not having anything to occupy your conscious mind - having nothing to do!
BARRICADE defensive emotional barrier
BARRICADE hindrances towards you
BARRIER hindrances towards you
BARRIOR territorial feelings
BARTENDER the key to your social life
BASEBALL being hit for six
BASEBALL contented playful achievement
BASEMENT bottling things up - feelings of vulnerability
BASEMENT regrets over missed opportunities - bad memories
BASEMENT strong intense negative feelings
BASEMENT views you are not willing to acknowledge - deep grudges
BASEMENT thinking over someone elses sensitive feelings and wishing not to offend
BASEMENT Trying to be less negative, examining your own repressed feelings
BASKETBALL a guy type situation with great competition
BASKETBALL game - fair play
BASKETBALL great balance and all round good judgement
BASS deep and very serious
BAT bad thoughts flying around
BAT dark unseen thoughts - evil forces and dark moods
BAT feeling drained of energy - thoughts constantly on your mind which tire you out
BATH a feeling of relief
BATH a need to calm down and relax
BATH relax in your emotions - cleanse your body and soul - recharge batteries
BATH study and confront issues - contemplate
BATH the things you fantasise about in real life
BATHE relax in your success / bathe in your glory
BATHING SUIT expressing your emotions in a comfortable way
BATHING SUIT your thoughts about your body
BATHROBE sexual problems and issues
BATHROOM a feeling of embarassment - a testing and frustrating moment - extreme worry - a bad feeling
BATHROOM feelings of shame - admitting your errors
BATHROOM showing your instincts - raw feelings - do something in heat of moment
BATHTUB the things you fantasise about in real life
BATTERY spritual and emotional energy
BATTLE a battle within your mind
BATTLE struggling with tasks
BATTLEFIELD look at something in a displined way
BATTLEFIELD specific problem in your life
BAY bay for blood
BBQ back to nature - nearly
BEACH having some emotional issue to deal with
BEACH thinking over some issue which involves your feelings and your real life situation
BEACH your life in practice and the strong emotional forces affecting it
BEACHCROFT sharing your emotions with others
BEADS measure success
BEAK stick your beak in
BEAN fertility - fruits of earth
BEAR naked sexual desire - a strong enemy - male emotions - irritability
BEARD great wisdom and knowledge
BEAST not confronting major problem
BEATING change to life
BEAUTIFUL an idea of perfection / aiming for perfection
BEAUTIFUL good fortune/mood
BEAUTIFUL WOMAN premonition of a very good day
BEAUTIFUL WOMAN wonderful dreamy thoughts
BEAUTY beautiful persona
BEAVER a busy social life or emotional life
BEAVER as busy as a beaver
BED AND BREAKFAST a temporary make do approach to some situation
BED AND BREAKFAST temporary refuge of mind
BED getting to really know someone as a person
BED something very intrusive - embarassing - sensitive issues
BED your health and personal well being
BED a personal request or appeal
BED sexual attraction
BED personal habits - personal likes and dislikes
BED a wish to be more like something
BED taking something personally - being picked on
BED something very intrusive - embarassing - sensitive issues
BED wondering what something will mean for you personally - important personal decisions for you
BEDSPREAD open sexuality - how others see you
BEE regimented order
BEE thinking hard about something someone has said
BEE working hard
BEEF good meaty and meaningful experiences
BEEHIVE team effort
BEER agreeable social setting / busy social life / guy humour
BEER escape from your worries
BEER looking for a good time with friends
BEGGAR beg forgiveness
BEGGAR want to achieve something with no effort
BEGGING try as much as you can
BEGIN time wasted
BEHIND in the back of your mind
BEHIND keep out of site - not acknowledge or show feelings
BEIGE neutral unbiased
BELLY gut feeling
BELT holding things in
BENCH inactivity and passivity
BEND adapt
BENEATH below in some way / below you
BERRY fruits of efforts - new growth in your life - a child
BESIDE constantly with you - an integral part of you
BEST FRIEND a distorted ideal picture a best friend would paint of a situation
BEST FRIEND an ideal opportunity for you - something right for you - an ideal solution
BEST FRIEND an ideal picture of how things should be - how you would prefer things to turn out
BET being more comfortable with change and more able to take chances
BET have to make a choice at random
BET take a chance
BET things can get better and also get worse
BETRAYAL suspicions about people
BEVERAGE satisfy thirst for something
BEWILDERMENT unable to sort problems out
BEYOND in the future
BF waking relationship with boyfriend
BIBLE search for your beliefs
BICYCLE having to struggle on - feeling isolated
BICYCLE doing what you want to do - doing things your own way
BIG BROTHER a desire to impress and show off continually
BIG BROTHER extreme suspicion of authority
BIG generous and mature
BIG HOUSE your approach to some situation and wider influences from elsewhere
BIG how you view this aspect
BIG SCENE getting something out of proportion - exxagerating something
BIG SCREEN big thinking / showing off and bragging
BIG the big time
BIKE having to struggle on - feeling isolated
BIKE doing what you want to do - doing things your own way
BIKERS bad and disorderly thoughts stream through your life
BIKINI feel exposed
BIKINI sexy feminine image
BILL the importance of some experience - the effect it has had on you
BILL the price you have had to pay
BILLBOARD selling an idea
BILLBOARD something is perfectly obvious for all to see
BILLIARDS playing the game
BILLIONAIRE something wonderful and highly valued
BIN someone or something is rubbish
BINOCULAR take a long close look
BIOLOGY study life - the nature of something
BIRD a proposal - an idea for the future
BIRD an omen or bad sign - a premonition
BIRD something that could happen or could have happened
BIRDCAGE a sense of being trapped / a desire for freedom
BIRDCAGE feel trapped
BIRDSEED little rewards
BIRTH actual change within your life
BIRTH CONTROL controling your tendency for your enthusiasms to run away with you
BIRTH CONTROL controling your tendency for your imagination to run away with you
BIRTH creative thought/actions
BIRTH deliver a message
BIRTHDAY a big deal about some
BIRTHDAY a big fuss being made of you
BIRTHDAY celebratory feelings
BIRTHMARK distinguishing feature or quality
BISCUIT frivilous happy sweet experiences
BISEXUAL sexual issues
BISHOP respect for spiritual ideas
BISON path of nature
BIT actual problems which demand attention
BITCH grumbles
BITCH petty minded squabbles
BITE become effective
BITE lured into
BITE the effectiveness of something
BITE watch for enemies / bitten by problem / pressure put on someone
BITESIZE quick but pleasing experiences
BLACK AND WHITE clear understanding
BLACK bad feelings and evil thoughts - a bad atmosphere - a dark mood
BLACK denial
BLACK feelings of confusion and drift - unable to concentrate or involved in anyway
BLACK HORSE a passionate sense of mystery
BLACK HORSE fleeting pleasures
BLACK HORSE mysterious and unknown passions
BLACK MAGIC someone trying to manipulate you for their own ends
BLACK mixed feelings and confusion - not seeing your current situation clearly
BLACK PANTHER single parent
BLACK WIDOW all consuming female
BLACK WIDOW feminine over protection
BLACKBERRIES ignore warnings
BLACKBIRD bad luck
BLACKED OUT surpress bad memories
BLACKMAIL your competitiveness and ability to dominate
BLACKNESS nothing left / left feeling empty
BLACKSMITH forging strong bonds
BLADE cut through problem
BLAME acceptance of responsibility
BLANKET protection and comfort / covering up problem
BLEACH cleaning your mind too vigourously
BLEACH painful self transformation
BLEACHERS cheap seats / man in the street
BLEACHERS criticism in a very open and humiliating way
BLEED loss of life energy
BLEND having to fit in - forced into a way of thinking
BLENDER blend thoughts feelings together
BLIND lack awareness / inability to accept another view
BLINDS denial
BLINK missing problem
BLISTER a problem beneath the surface
BLISTER open problems
BLIZZARD lost emotionally
BLOCK block something out - a barrier in your mind - not seeing things for how they are
BLOCK some choice is not available - you are been frustrated in some way - trapped or forced into a situation
BLOG a very personal account of something
BLOND need to lighten up / silly
BLONDE being silly and superficial
BLONDE looking on the surface not trying to understand why something happens
BLONDE superficial ideas which hold no substance
BLOOD guilt and worry
BLOOD injured feelings and pride
BLOOD life and energy / women= mensuration / life giving energy
BLOOD something is in your blood - its part of your make up
BLOOD the lifeforce - life giving energy
BLOSSOM creative achievement through effort
BLOW blow away circumstyances thoughts
BLUE feeling depressed
BLUE raunchy and sexually provocative
BLUE spiritual energy
BLUEBERRIES feeling a little sad and depressed
BLUEBERRY feeling a little sad and depressed
BLUEBERRY FIELD working through bad experiences from the past
BLUEBERRY PIE the ideal of american lifestyle
BLUEBIRD sending out an overtly sexual message
BLUEBIRD sending out signals of depression
BLUEPRINT need for detailed planning
BLUR confusing thoughts
BLUR possibly a premonition linking deep into your future
BLUSH strong feelings and thoughts of love
BLUSH unable to conceal your real thoughts about someone
BMW easy and luxurious living
BMW prestigeous
BMX cool and skillful fun
BOAR bore = pun
BOAR bore down to find answer
BOARD pun - bored
BOARDING HOUSE a temporary situation
BOARDING HOUSE the impact of someone else on you - affecting your mood and ways of thinking
BOARDING SCHOOL living out a lesson of life
BOARDWALK path through life. your efforts / Pun = bored
BOAT being deeply involved in something - having a good time with friends
BOAT being emotionally animated
BOAT a strong emotional connection with someone
BOAT being emotionally swayed - carried along by the atmosphere
BODY state of health - and views on own body
BODY the central part of something
BODY the substance of some argument
BOILING burning emotional issue
BOLD bold, strong and decisive
BOLT locking something up
BOLT move very unexpectedly
BOMB an explosive idea in your head
BOMB disputes
BOMBER fear of disputes
BONDAGE prisoner to circumstances
BONDAGE submissive personality
BONE a bone to pick with someone
BONE the structure of someones thought
BONES ancestors
BONES basic structure / support / poverty and ill health
BONES The bare bones - basic principles
BONFIRE visible goals
BONNET impaired vision
BOOING embarassing and disgracful thoughts
BOOK chapters of your life
BOOK OF REVELATION rather vague spiritual ideas about the future
BOOK well thought out ideas - ways of thinking
BOOKKEEPER keeping things in balance
BOOKSHOP your own onsidered opinion on some matter
BOOKSTORE considering something carefully usually the day before
BOOKSHELF Think out your views - coming to an opinion about something
BOOMERANG wish for things to return
BOOT CAMP being forced to show greater discipline after making a mistake
BOOT having to show good discipline
BOOT to dismiss
BOOTS firmness of purpose
BOOTS need to work on some issue
BORDER crossing border - entering new phase of life
BORDER limits on thoughts - your personal boundaries
BORED an annoying nuisance
BORROW adopt ideas from someone else
BORROW something is not truly yours
BOSS the part of your personality that is dominating your judgement - ideas that are in charge
BOSS unconscious feelings about your boss or some other authority figure
BOTTLE current experiences and thoughts
BOTTLE depends on whats in it - your thoughts
BOTTLE looking for inspiration from some external source - a need for stimulation
BOTTLE your thoughts in a bottle / your courage
BOUGHT a wish inside you
BOULDER obsticles in your path
BOUNCE a quickly changing mood
BOUNDARIES territorial areas of control / your field of expertise
BOUNDARY self limitations. personal boundaries
BOUQUET admirating thoughst
BOWEL a major release of emotions
BOWEL heart of problem = bowels / let go of issues
BOWING submissiveness and respect
BOWL your grasp of matters and success or failure
BOWLING bowled over = sexual pun
BOX a present or gift
BOX boxed-in circumstances
BOX organise some issue
BOXING controlled argument
BOY over active energy - fidgeting and open to distraction
BOY persistent boundless enthusiasm
BOY youthful thoughts and desires - energy
BOYFRIEND close loyalty and support / your actual boyfriend
BOYFRIEND saying all the right things!
BOYFRIEND sentimental comments / being treated nicely
BOYFRIEND your unconscious feelings about your boyfriend
BOYFRIENDS HOUSE trying to work out what your boyfriend is thinking and feeling
BOYFRIENDS HOUSE your boyfriends stance on some issue
BRA feeling exposed and open to criticism
BRA physichal support
BRA sex and sensuality
BRACELET describing and praising your abilities
BRACELET friendship bonds
BRACES brace yourself
BRAGGING overplay something
BRAID weaving together
BRAIDS ordering thoughts
BRAIN intellectual expression and problem solving
BRAIN intelligence and need to think
BRAIN TUMOR something wrong in the way you make decisions - poor judgement
BRAKE living on edge
BRAKE put a dampner on things - unable to make any progress
BRAKE put a stop to something immediately
BRAKE slow down or restrict the flow - a need to slow down and rest for a while
BRAKE taking a break from some task
BRAKE trying to compromise on something
BRANCH new relationships and friends
BRAND attached to some idea - some way of doing things
BRANDY strengthen your resolve
BRASS pun = as bold as brass
BREAD basic needs
BREAK IN intrusion into your thoughts
BREAK need to slow down and take break
BREAKDOWN overexerting yourself
BREAKFAST at the start of some new project or situation
BREAKFAST first appearances
BREAKS tolerance - ability to control your temper - need to relax
BREAK-UP painful change ahead in life
BREASTS nurturing / childhood dependance / feel exposed
BREATHE able to think clearly
BREATHE feeling comfortable doing something
BREATHE the energy of life / anxiety about some aspect
BREATHING anxiety and worry
BREEZE gentle refreshing change
BREEZE refreshing changes and movements in life
BRIBERY a corrupted phase of life
BRICK brick wall = defensive
BRICK WALL someone/something that you cannot get along with
BRIDAL things that bond you
BRIDE wedded to something
BRIDESMAID don't quite get what you want
BRIDGE you are scared to move forward
BRIDGE emotional junction - stand back and seeing how you feel
BRIDGE you are at a point of no return - you need to decide now
BRIDGE you feel its pointless trying any more - you need to accept the situation
BRIEF CASE the ideas intellectual thoughts that are intensely personal and part of what defines you
BRIEFCASE the ideas intellectual thoughts that are intensely personal and part of what defines you
BRIGHT enlightenment
BRIGHT intellectual
BRIGHT making something clear
BROAD open to new ideas/ liberal minded
BROCHURE a perspective on something
BROCOLI food of mind - healthally meeting basic needs
BROKE UP being less attracted to some quality
BRONZE hard and dependable
BROOM domesticity and homelyness
BROOM specific methods to achieve magic
BROTH poverty food
BROTHEL bad habits
BROTHEL go to any lengths to fulfill needs
BROTHER IN LAW sticking up for something that you ought to believe in - but don't
BROTHER sticking up for something - blind faith - taking sides
BROTHER seeing things from someone elses perspective
BROTHER desperately want help
BROWN accepting responsibility and hard work
BROWN BAG something that you are ashamed of
BROWN grounded in the real world - looking at the facts
BROWN PAPER BAG something that you are ashamed of
BROWSE a casual desire - a curious interest in something
BROWSING a casual desire - a curious interest in something
BRUISE wounding situation
BRUNETTE a reasoned practical approach
BRUSH tendency to sweep matters under carpet
BUBBLE vulnerable self esteem and projects
BUCKET abundance or lack of success depends on how full
BUDDHA spiritual godly feelings
BUDDIES friendly thoughts - happy disposition
BUDGIE endless repitition
BUDS beautiful growth / romantic pleasure and blossoming success
BUFFALO a natural instinctive feeling that you must move on to something new and fresh - relentlessly follow the path of nature
BUFFET choosing between different interests
BUFFET doing exactly as you please
BUG things that bug you
BUILDER people helping you to build confidence
BUILDING a construction of your mind
BUILDING a thought that you mind organises and constructs
BUILDING the effect of some issue on you
BUILDING your personality
BUILDINGS the impact of other people and ideas on your personality
BUILDINGS the personalities and people around you
BUILDINGS ways of interpreting a situation - different constructions within your mind
BUILT IN its just the way things are! People acting according to their nature
BULB plant = fertility and growth
BULIMIA trying to cut yourself off from the world - rejecting new interests and involvements
BULL FROG sexual excitement and arousal
BULL powerful forces let go at random
BULL sexual power - strength and stubborness
BULLDOZER force through beliefs / experiences
BULLET sudden shock
BULLETS anger at someone
BULLFIGHT struggle between anamil and human side
BULLFROG sexual excitement and arousal
BULLY overdominance and pushyness
BUM feel worthless
BUMP a jolt to the way you see the world
BUNGALOW the basic facts about your life
BUNGALOW the reality of your life - job,friends, success or failure
BUNGEE stretching the facts / exxagerating
BUNJEE bounce back
BUNK BEDS conflicting views of sexuality
BUNNIES a harmless and docile mood
BUNNIES feelings of unfaithfulness
BUNNIES some feeling multiplying out of control
BUOY resilient emotional outlook
BURGLAR drained and energyless
BURGLAR suddenly losing a major part of your life
BURGUNDY rich and creative color
BURIAL Burying old memories/relationships
BURN get beneath your skin - insensitive thoughts - scared
BURNING a burning issue
BURNING disagree with some way of thinking
BURROW deeply ingrained in your behavior
BURY realising its the end of some relationship
BUS experience some strong feeling in front of other people in public
BUS experiencing thoughts and feelings with others / communal thoughts
BUS public opinion - general viewpoint of society on some issue
BUS your been carried along in life - caught in the heat of the moment - passively allow events to happen
BUS your emotions are influenced by strong emotions of people around you
BUSH-LAND a lack of real involvement in some relationship
BUSINESS the need to be thorough and efficient and professional in your approach
BUSY keeping yourself busy
BUSY not having time to think properly
BUTLER service to others
BUTTERFLIES jumping from one thing to another - not able to concentrate on none thing
BUTTERFLIES wonderful romantic adventures
BUTTERFLIES wonderful transformation
BUTTERFLY beautiful transformation
BUTTERFLY jumping from one thing to another - not able to concentrate on none thing
BUTTOCKS sexual matters
BUTTON a wish for something to happen automatically
BUTTON doing something right
BUY accept some idea - believing something
BUY may get a favour in return
BUY try to achieve the things that you want - but often cannot get
BUY valuing something - spending time on it
BUYER need to impress someone

Animals in dreams Animals in dreams
Buildings in dreams The symbolic meaning of buildings
Travel in dreams The meaning of cars, roads, railroads.
Keeping it in the family The symbolic meaning of sisters,brothers, uncles and fathers etc
Symbolic meaning of animals animal dream symbolism by Dorian Paul
Color and collective consciousness Dorian Paul on color in dreams
Colours in dreams Urban on colours in dreams
Music in dreams Dorian Paul on music in dreams
Archytpes By Dorian Paul Archetypes and myths - Negative
- Positive archetypes
Childrens nightmares Making sense of their worlds
Dream tips The logic behind dream symbolism
Disturbing dreams Nightmares
Nightmares and Fear Dorian Paul on confronting fear
TV reality Big Brother is an ideal source for dream studies
Telepathy and dreams A striking telepathic dream.

ON-LINE BOOK : Hundreds of real dreams

A BASIC INTRO to what dreams are about

BASIC TECHNIQUES to interpret dreams
DREAM DICTIONARY A to Z of symbols complete with essays on symbols in everyday real uses
- DREAM SYMBOLS : Basements - Your boss - Best friend - Babies/pregnant - Brothers - Cafes - Cars - Castles - Children - Creative dreams - Clothes - Churches and cathedrals - Deaths - Demons,witches and goblins - Dogs - Drink and drugs - Farms, gardens and plants - Factories - Fathers - Faucets/taps/pipes - Food - Earthquakes and volcanos - Foreign Countries - Grandparents - Guards - Guns and knives - Horses and animals - Hauntings - Hospitals - Hotels + huge buildings - Houses - Locks - Men(unknown) - Military - Money - Mothers - Monster - Mountains - Movies - Music - People - Police - Phone - Politics - Planes and flying - Prison - Rivers - Rapists and intruders - Railways - Roads - Schools - Sea - Sex - Shops - Sisters - Skies in dreams - Skyscrapers and tall buildings - Snakes and spiders - Space - Sports - Street - Teeth - Tidal waves - Time - Toilets in dreams - Towns and streets - Trees - Water - Weddings and engagements - Windows - Work
OTHER SUBJECTS: external causes of dreams : Music in dreams : Premonitions : Telepathy : Specific dreams : Synonyms in dreams : Children's dreams and dreams about your child : Recurring dreams CASE STUDIES : 1 2 3 4

Animal symbolism Animal symbolism
Animals in dreams Dorian Paul on animals in dreams
Staircases, elevators and lifts - Their symbolic meaning
Music in dreams Dorian Paul on music in dreams
Color and collective conciousness Dorian Paul on color in dreams
Colour and Dreams Urban on colour in dreams
Archetypes Dorian Paul on archetypes in dreams
Religion in dreams Faith and dreams by Weiss

FIGHT : Aggression and assaults in dream analysis
GUN : Dream symbolism and guns in modern dream analysis
GUY(unknown male) : Modern dream interpretation and the strange or unknown man
INTRUDERS : Intruders as symbols in dreams
KNIFE : Dream analysis and the symbolic meaning of Knives
MURDERS : Dream symbolism and killing
POISONS : The dream meaning of poison in modern dream interpretation
POLICE : Police and their dream symbolism in dream interpretation
DEATH : Dream analysis and deaths
FATHERS : Dads as dream symbols