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ESSAYS on symbolism : The following essays have been written using a bank of correctly analysed dreams. Often we have conclusive proof that a dream links with a real life situation such as the night after you had an argument with your girlfriend or boyfriend. The following essays try to reduce each dreams meaning to a quote which helps you understand the real emotions that dreams refer to.

LAKES : Lakes represent little intuitive thoughts surrounding an issue in your life
LAP DANCER : Stripping can suggest that you are slowly teasing someone with the truth
LAVATORIES : Toilets symbolise how we try to flush away the bad experiences that have happened recently
LESBIANS :Gays in dreams can symbolise a feeling of isolation
LIGHT : Light can suggest clarity and understanding
LITTLE BOYS : The meaning of Little boys in dreams is usually connected with some feeling of vulnerability
LITTLE GIRL : Little girls tend to symbolise naivety and an over idealised view of life
LIONS : Lions can symbolise very specific fears and problems which we hope to avoid
LOCK : Locks can symbolise emotions that you are trying to lock out
LORRIES : A lorry can symbolize a feeling of heaviness and sluggishness
LOST(lost item) : Losing something may symbolise a loss of dignity
LOST : Feeling lost can be associated with a sense of confusion from the day before

Cleopatra Dream Dictionary L

LAB scrutinise something
LAB trained in scientific methods
LABEL defining something
LABEL pidgeonhole / classify
LABOR effort and endeavor
LABORATORY scrutinise something
LABOUR endeavour and struggle
LABRADOR well disciplined loyal and faithful companion
LABYRINTH increasingly complex and perplexing relationships and thoughts
LABYRINTH need to solve mystery
LACE fortify a drink
LACE romantic and feminine attitudes and image
LADDER given a help in hand
LADDER linking your higher beliefs to day to day actions
LADDER links unconcious with concious mind - your deepest desires
LADDER seeing far - a possible premonition
LADIES ROOM thoughts about your physical appearances
LADY well mannered and polite behavior
LADYBUG sex pest - one who bugs ladies(pun)
LAKE a decision or situation that involves a real sense of emotional involvement
LAKE an emotional doubt about some decision or issue
LAKE SUPERIOR a feeling of superiority
LAMB lamb to slaughter
LAMB simple contentment
LAMB young exciting experiences
LAME something you are really not happy with about yourself
LAMP cast light on matter
LAND come back down to earth / your possessions
LAND to arrive at a certain conclusion
LANDLORD not in full command of your life
LANDMARK an achievement or milestone
LANDSLIDE great change in environment and circumstances
LANGUAGE something that is understandable
LANGUAGE things you don't quite understand
LAP close protection
LAP protecting some belief and vision of the future
LAPTOP communicate - maybe by internet
LARDER stored energy and reserves
LARGE bigger than you can cope with / larger than life
LARGE emphasising and acting out some emotion
LARGER improved
LASSIE come to the rescue
LATE FOR WORK you need to put more effort into some issue in your life - a need to get started!
LATE need to make a decision
LATEX wild side/ sexually uninhibited
LATIN a difficult to understand language / cryptic communication
LAUGH covering over some problem
LAUGH let go of problems - being cheerful about something
LAUGH the fear of ridicule
LAUNDRY a mood or frame of mind you are trying to achieve
LAUNDRY getting people to see you in a more positive light
LAUNDRY purify your thoughts - wash away your problems
LAVATORY a feeling of embarrassment - a testing and frustrating moment
LAVATORY overwhelming problems - continuous bad feelings
LAVATORY getting something out of your system - letting go
LAVATORY being scared or shocked - frustrations built up over years
LAVA a total change in your perception of everything within your life
LAVA major change in your conscious real life world
LAVA voilent disturbed thoughts bubbling up beneath the surface
LAVISH exxagarated or magnificent statement
LAVISH shower with generous praise
LAW a need to preserve order within your mind and within groups in which you mix
LAW strong guiding rules
LAWN rest the body and mind
LAWN tidy natural environment
LAWSUIT judging if some action was acceptable
LAWSUIT lots of stress connected with some situation
LAWYER judging if some action was acceptable
LAWYER lots of stress connected with some situation
LAWYER wondering if behavior action was acceptable
LAX not watching or concentrating
LAZY inactive
LEAD guiding you though something
LEAD SINGER being inspired
LEADER insisting on something
LEAF growth prosperity
LEAK emotional problem
LEAK your interest and involvement and resolve is been drained away by something
LEAN tendency towards something
LEAP accept enthusiastically
LEAP increasing
LEAP moving quickly
LEAP take a chance
LEARNING improving your knowledge
LEARNING lack self confidence
LEASH trying to influence someone who trusts you
LEATHER smart tough image
LEAVES change in environment / the winds of change
LEAVES end of relationship and cold thoughts
LECTURE speak down to people
LED want to know someones secrets and mysteries
LEECH attach yourself to someone for your own gain
LEFT real events rather than imagined - the reality of your situation
LEFT the left side of the brain and things associated with it - day to day reality
LEFT the left side often links to something real and tangible such as an object
LEFT what you are like in practise
LEFT WINDOW viewing the real life world - a possible premonition
LEFT your conscious mind... conscious thoughts and feelings
LEG ability to run
LEG how you travel in life
LEG support and ability to move quickly
LEG your direction in life
LEGEND a mythical and romantic viewpoint
LEGO building on something
LEMON refreshing yet bitter
LEMONADE something that makes you feel good but is not very good for you in the long run
LEND being able to trust someone
LEND valuing someone - having time for someone
LENS a particular perspective
LEOPARD always the same even through great tranformations - a leopard never changes its spots
LEOPARD SKIN overt and obvious
LEOPARD strong determined and forceful - capable of being feared by others
LESBIAN ideas which go against the norm / against nature
LETHAL complete end / hurtful
LETTER a personal message - well thought out
LETTER an official or formal message
LETTER giving advice
LETTER let her
LEVEL a required standard
LEVEL being honest and above board
LEVEL calm and content
LEVEL make smooth or destroy
LEVITATE powers you didn't know you had / great influence over others
LEVITATING powers that you did not know you had
LIAR losing faith in yourself or projects involved in
LIAR pretending to feel something
LIBRARY search for knowledge
LIBRARY search through your memories for answer
LICE personal hygiene problems
LICENSE ability to do something
LICK sense something new
LICK triumph over something
LIFE GUARD a safe and thoughtful route which prevents major disturbances in your emotions
LIFE JACKET protection against emotional problems
LIFE VEST protection against emotional problems
LIFEGUARD a need to be diplomatic
LIFEGUARD trying to prevent major emotional upheavals
LIFT cheer someone up with encouraging comments - an uplifting and wonderful feeling
LIFT copy or imitate - plaigerize - steal
LIFT rising or falling confidence or understanding - confidence or belief in you
LIGAMENT connections
LIGHT need to accept the truth
LIGHT suddenly enlightened
LIGHT SWITCH cast light on subject
LIGHTBULB cast light on matter
LIGHTENING immense understanding
LIGHTER getting easier as time passes
LIGHTER more light hearted and less serious
LIGHTER set things off / kick off / light the fire inside
LIGHTNING insight into something
LIGHTNING sudden and electrical thoughts - turbulent change in views
LIGHTS suddenly enlightened / need to accept the truth
LIME zest
LIMO belief in your own importance
LIMO making a big fuss in your real life conscious world
LIMP unable to find the right direction
LIMP unbalanced perception
LINE a link - directly connecting one thing with another
LINE a point beyond which you should not cross
LINE UP choose from various alternatives
LINEAR rational and sytematic reasoning
LINE-UP choose from various alternatives
LINGERIE your thoughts about sexual issues
LINK connection
LION strong and courageous - really standing up to someone
LION very ferocious - intimidating - someone who scares you
LION something or someone you would rather avoid
LIONESS female courage
LIP connected to words said
LIPS communication
LIPSTICK overt sexuality and vanity
LIPSTICK pretty words
LIPSTICK saying something to make something appear more attractive than it is
LIQUOR escape from wider troubles / indulge your wildest thoughts
LITERATURE great stories
LITTLE BOY little boy lost
LITTLE BOY maternal insinct
LITTLE GIRL silly and emotional
LITTLE GIRL little girl lost - in need of help - being treated like a child
LITTLE GIRL naive - idealistic - silly emotional notions - lovey dovey
LITTLE SISTER not in control of the situation
LITTLE SISTER your openess to innocent and naive thoughts
LITTLE unpretentious and humble
LIVELY enticing argument
LIVER tiredness
LIVING ROOM premonition of the things to come that day
LIVING ROOM things in general in your life - your real life conscious day to day world in practice
LIZARD reptile cold and nasty
LOAD wish to escapoe circumstances
LOAF using your intelligence
LOBBY welcoming the opinion of others
LOBBY your open and social side / welcoming side
LOCH NESS MONSTER emotional issues which have no real basis in reality
LOCHNESS MONSTER imagined emotional fears about how bad things can become
LOCK hidden fears and thoughts
LOCK you cannot figure out someones behavior - you cannot see their hidden motives
LOCKED cannot get away from something
LOCKED not able to see what is in
LOCKER locked up problem
LOCKER your own personal space
LOCUST plagued by something
LODGE a wish to express your own deep and very personal beliefs
LOFT pathway to the unconscious... very highest thoughts
LOG to record your changing thoughts
LONG something has gone on too long
LONG TRIP a process which will take a long time
LOOK making sure of something - being sure about something
LORRY a heavy workload - lots to do
LORRY a very serious matter - having heavy or serious feelings for someone
LORRY feeling tired or sluggish
LOS ANGELES city of the angels
LOST AND FOUND something temporarily lost
LOST fail at something
LOST unable to see what direction you need to go in life
LOTION sexual connections
LOTS many examples of somthing - dominating your mind
LOTTERY great wealth without effort
LOUD very obvious
LOUNGE interacting with others
LOUNGE premonition of the things to come that day
LOUNGE your real life conscious day to day world
LOVE dominating your thoughts entirely
LOVE LETTER clear but difficult to express thoughts
LOVE to follow one argument exclusively
LOVER your inner being - your spiritual sensuality
LUCIFER temptations and demons within you
LUGGAGE need to leave the past behind
LUGGAGE the burden of your responsibilities and emotional problems that follow you around
LUMINOUS standing out as very important
LUMP something that sticks out
LUNA lunatic = pun
LUNCH BOX male genitals
LUNCH food for thought - your real life experiences and how they feed your mind
LUNG CANCER fears connected to smoking
LUNG general happiness
LUNGS need to expand
LUSH lots of feelings and regard
LUST eager for new experiences - unsatiated desires
LUXURIOUS trying your very best
LUXURIOUS well cared for
LYING relying on someone.

Animals in dreams Animals in dreams
Buildings in dreams The symbolic meaning of buildings
Travel in dreams The meaning of cars, roads, railroads.
Keeping it in the family The symbolic meaning of sisters,brothers, uncles and fathers etc
Symbolic meaning of animals animal dream symbolism by Dorian Paul
Color and collective consciousness Dorian Paul on color in dreams
Colours in dreams Urban on colours in dreams
Music in dreams Dorian Paul on music in dreams
Archytpes By Dorian Paul Archetypes and myths - Negative
- Positive archetypes
Childrens nightmares Making sense of their worlds
Dream tips The logic behind dream symbolism
Disturbing dreams Nightmares
Nightmares and Fear Dorian Paul on confronting fear
TV reality Big Brother is an ideal source for dream studies
Telepathy and dreams A striking telepathic dream.
ON-LINE BOOK : Hundreds of real dreams

A BASIC INTRO to what dreams are about

BASIC TECHNIQUES to interpret dreams
DREAM DICTIONARY A to Z of symbols complete with essays on symbols in everyday real uses
- DREAM SYMBOLS : Basements - Your boss - Best friend - Babies/pregnant - Brothers - Cafes - Cars - Castles - Children - Creative dreams - Clothes - Churches and cathedrals - Deaths - Demons,witches and goblins - Dogs - Drink and drugs - Farms, gardens and plants - Factories - Fathers - Faucets/taps/pipes - Food - Earthquakes and volcanos - Foreign Countries - Grandparents - Guards - Guns and knives - Horses and animals - Hauntings - Hospitals - Hotels + huge buildings - Houses - Locks - Men(unknown) - Military - Money - Mothers - Monster - Mountains - Movies - Music - People - Police - Phone - Politics - Planes and flying - Prison - Rivers - Rapists and intruders - Railways - Roads - Schools - Sea - Sex - Shops - Sisters - Skies in dreams - Skyscrapers and tall buildings - Snakes and spiders - Space - Sports - Street - Teeth - Tidal waves - Time - Toilets in dreams - Towns and streets - Trees - Water - Weddings and engagements - Windows - Work
OTHER SUBJECTS: external causes of dreams : Music in dreams : Premonitions : Telepathy : Specific dreams : Synonyms in dreams : Children's dreams and dreams about your child : Recurring dreams CASE STUDIES : 1 2 3 4